Raised beach line 82,
Randers, K. 511.
Reindeer 319 ill.
Reissiger, F. A. 626.
Religion 260.
Revenues of the treasury 232. 235.
Richter, O. 156. 518.
Rigsret 148. 155. 183.
Roads 442 ill.
Roe 363.
Root crops 314.
Reros Coppermine 41. 381.
Ross, Chr. 548.
Royal Society for Norway’s Welfare 330.
— veto 154. 176.
Rural districts 188.
Rusten, O. 664.
Sæter 325 .ill.
Sagas 487.
Sailing-vessels 460.
Salmon fisheries 369.
Samlag 206.
Sanatoria 228.
Sanitary conditions 223 seq.
,—■ measures 227.
Sars, G. O. 375.
— J. E. 613.
Savings banks 254.
Schibsted, A. 520.
Schjelderup, G-. 625.
School board 267.
— buildings 270.
^ ■ d i s t r i c t s 269.
— inspection 268. 283.
Schools 266.
— a rt and industrial 293.
— continuation 277.
‘ — county 278.
— for deaf and dumb 289.
— defectives 289.
— forestry 347.
— handicrafts 293.
— mercantile 294.
— night 277.
— people’s high 278.
— primary 266.
— special 291.
Schools technical 291.
Schweigaard, A. M. 499. $17.
Scientific societies 288.
Sculpture 585 seq.
Sea fisheries 352.
— marks 439.
— weeds 68.
Seal hunting 370.
Seamen 436.
Secondary education 280.
Selmer, Chr. Aug, 155.
Sexes 92.
Sheep 319.
Shipping (see Mercantile Marine) 403 seq.
— towns 433.
Shipwrecks 440.
Shore-line, length of 1.
Signal-stations 305.
Silurian 39.
Silver work 580 ill.
Sinding, Chr. 624.
— Elisabeth 564.
— O. 548.
BBSs. 590 ill.
Sivle, P. 511.
Skavlan, O. 513.
Skeibrok, M. 595 ill.
Skjsergaarden 18 ill.
Skolehjem 291.
Skolestyret 267.
Skram, Amalie 509.
Skramstad, L. 548.
Skredsvig, Chr. 563.
Skrei fishery 356 ill.
Smith, C. F. 564.
SmithrHald, F. 548.
Snorre Sturlason 487.
Snow 50. 52. 56.
— and ice 28.
Sobriety 206.
Social conditions 202 seq.
Socialism 151. 217.
Sodt, E. 568.
Sorensen, J. 571.
Sounds 21. 29 ill.
Special schools 291.
Spirits laws 206.
Spruce 338.
Stabbur 328 ill. 614. *
Stabell, A. B. 517/ 519.
Stadskleiv, T. 672.
Stang, E. 156. 159.
- F. 164. '
Stang-G-ram ministry 156. 159.
State forests 348.
Statholder 144. 152. 154.
Statsborgeren 517.
Stav-churches 610 ill.
Steam-ships 404. 415. 417. 463. 465.
Steen-Blehr ministry 158. 160.
Stenersen, G. 572.
Stev 618.
Stiftsdirektion 262.
Stone age 121.
— architecture 597 ill.
Store-house 328 ill.
Storthing 175. 178 seq.
Strandings 439.
Strom, H. 568.
Stromdal, G. 564.
Sturla Tordsson 487.
Sulitjelma Coppermine 41. 382.
Summer courses 275. 284.
Sundt, E. 500.
SundtdJansen, C. 544.
Supreme Court 155.
Svendsen, J. 622.
Svensen, O. 624.
Sverdrup, Johan 151. 156. 501. 520.
Sverre Sigurdsson 132.
Somme, J. 672.
— Lilli 572.
Teachers 273. 284.
Technical schools 291.
Telegraph and telephone 470.
Temperature 47. 50. 53.
Terraces 31.
Textile industry 396.
— work 676 ill.
Thaulow, F. 559 ill.
Thellefsen, Th. 624.
Thommessen, O. 514. 520.
Thoresen, Magdalena 507.
Thrane, W. 620.
Thunderstorms 50. 53. 56.
Tidemand, A. 536 ill.
Tiden 516.
Timber floating 341 ill.
— industry- 395.
— trade 345. 408. 411. 413. 425.
— workers 341.
Tinning industry 397.
Tobacco-factories 397.
Topography 8 seq.
Tordenskjold, P. 135.
Torfisk 359.
Tourists 466.
Town privileges 409. 410.
Training colleges for teachers 274.
Treaties 178.
Treaty of Kiel 139. 164.
Trondhjem Cathedral 601 ill.
— depression 4. 10.
Tuberculosis 225.
Tuilin, Chr. B. 494.
Tvedt, J. 611.
Uchermami, C. 564.
IJdbye, M. A. 620.
Ueland, O. G. 148.
Ulfsten, N. 563.
Unger, C. 499.
Union with Denmark 134. 161.
- Sweden 134. 143. 165.
Universal suffrage 179.
University 138. 286. 495.
• — Library 287.
Valleys 21. 26. 33 ill.
Verdens Gang 520.
- Veritas 258/
Vernepligtige 297.
Veterinary matters 330.
Vigeland, G. 596 ill.
Vinje> A. O. 502.
Vislie, V. 511.
Vogt, N. 519.
— N. C. 512.
Voluntary instruction 269.
Volunteer rifle corps 301.
Vullum, E. 514. 521.
Wages 204.