Finlanders 83.
Finne, G. 512.
Finns 82. 84.
Fire insurance 257.
Fish export 409. 413. 426.
— fauna 73.
— manure 363.
— tithes fund 262;
Fisheries 351 seq.
Y— «daily» 370.
— fresh water 373.
— periodic 366.
— sea 352.
Fishermen, receipts of 351. 369.
Fishery investigations 376.
— legislation and administration 374.
Fishing-gear 352. 366. 368.
— stations 353 ill. 356.
Fiskever 353 ill. 356.
Fjord fauna 71.
Fjords 14. ill. 15. 29.
Fladager, O. H. 590.
Flag 149. See Map.
Flour-mills 397.
Fog 50. 53. 66.
Folkehoiskoler 278.
Foreign commerce 404. 406. 417. 429.
— shipping 434.
Foreigners 101.
Forest legislation 346.
—- planting 347.
— trees 332.
— work 341.
Forestry 332 seq.
— administration 347.
— schools 347.
Forests _332 ill.
— ancient 345.
— production 338.
— public 347.
Fortresses 299.
Fresh-water fisheries 373.
Frich, J. C. G. 532.
Friele, Chr. 611. 619.
Fund for the advancement of education
— — buying land 331.
Fundamental law 170. See Appendix.
I Funds imder administration of the
Ecclesiastical Department 261.
— for the promotion of science 288.
Galdhopiggen 10.
Garborg, A. 509. 621.
Geographical situation 1 seq.
Geological survey 44.
Geology 34 seq.
Glaciers 14 ill.
Glens («skar») 26.
Gloersen, J. 563.
— Kr. 509.
Glosimodt, O. O. 590.
Gorbitz, J. 532.
Government 172.
Granskeren 618.
Grieg, E. 621.
Grimelund, J. M. 548.
Grondahl, Agathe 624.
— O. A. 626.
Grônvold, B. ' 664.
• — M. 548.
Ground register 308.
rent fund 262.
Gude, H. 539 ill.
Gulbranson, Ellen 624.
Gymnasium 281.
Haarklou, J. 620.
Hagerup—Gram ministry 160.
Hail 50. 53. 56.
Halvorsen, J. 625.
Hamsun, K. 512.
Handicraft 388. ~
Handicrafts schools 293.
Hansards 388. 406.
Hansen, H. 589.
— M. 499.
Hansteen, Aasta 543.
-r- N. 667.
Harald Haarfagre 128.
Harbour administration 438.
Heiberg, G. 511.
Hennum, J . 625.
Herreder 188.
Herring fisheries 364.
— migrations 367.
Heyerdahl, H. 552 ill.
High Court of the Realm 183.
Higher education 280.
Highland 9 ill.
History 127 seq.
Holberg, L. 478. 491.
Holiday courses 274. 284.
Holmboe. T. 572.
Holter, I. 623.
— W. 664.
Horses 316 ill.
— for the army 300.
Horticulture 316.
Hospitals 227.
Households- 91.
Hunting 376 seq.
Husmænd 312.
Ibsen, H. 483. 601.
Hlegitimate births 112.
Imbecile children 289.
Immigration 118.
Imported goods 421; diagr. 423. 424.
Income, annual 203.
— from agriculture 311.
— — fisheries 351.
. — — forests 348.
Income tax 236.
Industrial arts and sculpture 576 seq.
— population 386. 398.
— schools 293.
Industry 386 seq.
— development of 387.
Infirmaries 228.
Inhabitants, number 86.
Insects 73.
Instruction, elementary 266.
obligatory 267.
— voluntary 269.
Insurance 267 seq.
International position 161 seq.
Iron age 124.
Islands 21.
Ivory work 583.
Jacobsen, C. L. 690.
— S. 544.
Jæger, H. 609.
Janson, Kr. 507.
Jensen, P. A. 500.
Jorgensen, S. 668.
Johnsen, Hj. 567.
Joidet, L. 672. —
Jotunheimen 9.
Journalists, associations of 523.
Judges 197.
Judicial organisation 196 seq.
Jurassic 42.
Kalmar union 134.
Keyser, R. 499.
Kielland, A. L. 508.
— Kitty 563.
Kinck, H. 513.
King, legal power of 172.
Kitteisen, Th. 564.
Kjerulf, H. 622.
— Th. 600.
Kjolen 13. ,
Klipfisk 359. 366 ill.
Knudsen, K. 481.
Knutzen, M. 624.
Kolsto, F. 567.
Kongespeilet 488.
Kongsberg silver mines 38. 380.
Krag, Th. 512.
¡¡¡¡¡¡j 512.
Krohg, Chr. 556 ill.
— Oda 572.
Krone 441.
Kvsen'er 84.
Ladesteder 409.
Lagthing 181.
Lakes 25.
Lammers, Thv. 624.
Land frontier 3.
Landsmaal 479.
Landowners’ right 309.
Landstad, M. B. 501.
Landstorm 296.
Landvern 296.
Lange, Chr. 499.
Langfjeldene 12.
Language 474 seq.
— Danish in Norway 477. 484.