Language Dano-Norwegian 482.
— popular 478.
— spoken and written 481.
Lapland 4.
Lapps 82.
Lassen, H. 513.
Lasson, P. 625.
Leather and india-rubber industries 397.
Legislative assembly 178.
Lensmsend 187.
Leprosy 226.
Lerche, V. St. 543.
Letters dispatched 469.
Lexow-Hansen, S. 595.
Libraries, public 279.
Lichen zone 61.
Lie, B. 513.
— J. 507. 520.
Life insurance 268.
Life-saving stations and boats 440.
Lighthouses 439.
Lindeman, L. M. 617. 619.
Line troops 296.
Literature 486 seq.
Liver-oil 360.
Loading-places 409.
Lochen, A. 514.
Lofoten fishery 365. 356.
Loken, Hj. 621.
Loland, R. 511.
Longevity 223.
Long-line fishing 356 ill.
Loose deposits 31.
Lunatics 226.
Lyngen 28 ill.
Machinery industry 396.
Macquerel fishing 369.
Madsen, Th. 512.
Magistrate 187. 191.
Magnus Lagaboter 133.
Mammals 76.
Marine insurance 258.
Marriages 107.
Match factories 393. 398.
Matrimonial state 95.
Meadow cultivation 315. .
Means of communication 442 seq.
i Measures 441.
Medical department 230.
— profession 229.
Meidell, D. 518.
Men of war 304.
Mentally diseased 102.
Mercantile crew 436.
marine 404. 409. 411. 412. 414. 416.
— schools 294.
Merchants and tradesmen 435.
Metal industry 397.
Meteorological institute 67.
Miehelsen, H. 685.
Middelskole 281.
Middelthun, J. O. 586 ill. .
Military colleges 298.
— training 296.
Militia system 295.
Milk-condensing 325. 397.
Mining 380 seq.
Ministry 172.
Minor industries 387. 401.
Missions 264.
Moe, J. 481. 500.
Mohn, H. 57. 375.
Molluscs, land and freshwater 72.
Morality 208.
Morgenbladet 517. 619.
Mortality 114. 223.
Mortenson, I. 511.
Mortgage bank 253.
Mountain outfarms 325 ill.
Muller, J. 572.
| H m . 543.
Munch, Andreas 500. 617
— Anna 513.
• : p E. 571.
J - i P. A. 499.
Municipal budget 194.
— commissions 193.
— councils 188.
— elections 189.
— finances 246.
-— organisation 188 seq.
Munthe, Gr. 560 ill.
■ ;L. 544.
Museums 287.
I Music 617 seq.
Music and organ school 294.
Nansen, F. 614.
National Assembly a t Eidsvold 140.
— debt 231. 241.
— of the Dano-Norwegian monarchy
145. 168.
— Museum 288.
Naval academy 306.
— estimates 306.
— organisation 306.
— station 305-
Navy 303 seq.
Needy pupils 272.
Neupert, ,E. 624.
Nielsen, A. 547..
— C. 664.
— J. 548.
Night schools 277.
Nissen, Erika 620.
Non-commissioned officers 297.
Non-ecclesiastical architecture 612 ill.
Nordraak, R. 622.
Normal working day 217.
Normann,-A. 648.
Norregaard, Asta 564.
Nor^ke Intelligenssedler 515. 521.
Norwegian Channel 18.
Nurses 229.
Obligatory instruction 267.
— military service 296.
Obstfelder, S. 512.
Odelsret 309.
Odelsthing 181. .
Officers, army 298.
.—-navy 305.
Official residence fund 262.
Officials, public 177.
Olav Haraldsson 131.
Olsen, O. 623.
Omholt, A. T. 521.
Opbuds 296.
Oplysningsvæsenets fond 261.
Oscar I 161.
H 164.
Oselio-Bjornson, Ingeborg 624.
Painting 525 seq.
Paper industry 397.
Paper-mills 392. 397.
Partition and allotment 310. 330.
Paulsen, J. 509.
Peace question 219.
Peat industry 349.
Penal code 196.
Penitentiary matters 200.
People’s high schools 278.
Periodic fisheries 355.
Peters, W. 548.
Peterssen, JE. 551 ill.
Pilot system 437.
Pine 338.
Plant-life 68 seq.
Political constitution and administration
170 seq.
Poor-laws 215.
Population 85 seq.
— composition 91.
— density ,87.
i — growth 102. 106 (diagr.)
'■ — movement 107.
— occupations 96.
Post, telegraph and telephone 467 seq.
Postal service 467.
Posting 450.
Prefects 188.
Prehistoric periods 121 seq.
Preservation of ancient monuments 288.
Press 616 seq.
— provincial 621.
Price of farms 329.
Primary school 266r°
Proportional representation 189.
Prydz, Alvilde 513.
Public instruction, state expenditure
240. ■
— libraries 279.
— officials 177.
Public prosecutors 200.
Quaternary deposits 42.
Railways 451 ill,
— revènue 239. 457.
Rainfall 49. 52. 56.