T H E , C 0 y ST IT U T I P y O f N O E WAY.
state H H if UOt’ the Presiding
cülors of State, ^ ^ °tber ^
in ^ r ^ T W f l o W °f H Council °f S^te shall be entered I W H H i S5
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the Rigsret*) ^ ^ lmPeached b7 the Odelsthing before
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I M M « _ « 1 HH B | without vote or responsibility ’ -
ofthe3 L g ° Hrir | the B “ ay R without the sanction
the Crmm of-Norway C0Utra^ to be forfeits his right to
3 7 'iTbe R°yal Princes and Princesses shall not nersonallv hP
^ • « * * • » £ as
38 The Norwegian Minister of State, as well as the two Nor
W aseÎte and°aSd0fl8btate7 h0 ü att(mdaaloe t seats and a deliberative vote m the Swedishu PoCno Iunci lK ionfg , Ssthataell
when affairs that affect both kingdoms are being transacted there ’
t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n o ï n o b w a y . y i i
In such matters the _opinion of the Norwegian Government ought
also to be obtained, unless the business requires to be disposed of
in such haste, that time will not allow of it *).
39. If the King dies, and the Heir to the Throne is still under
age, the Norwegian and Swedish- Councils of State shall at once
assemble, in order jointly to summon a meeting of the Storthing
in Norway and of the Riksdag in Sweden **).
40. Until the representatives of both kingdoms are assembled
and have taken measures for the government during the King’s minority,
a Council of State. consisting of an equal number of Norwegian
and Swedish members shall conduct the governments of the kingdoms,
with due regard to thé different constitutions of the two
The Norwegian and the Swedish Minister of State, who have
seats in the aforesaid joint council, shall cast lots as to which of
them shall be President***).
41. The provisions laid down in the preceding §§39 and 40
shall also be operative on every occasion when, according to the
Swedish form of government, it devolves-on the Swedish. Council of
State to carry on the government ***). ~
On such occasions, as it has hitherto devolved upon the interim
Government of Norway and Sweden, in accordance with the Constitutions
of Norway and Sweden, and with the provisions of the
Act of Union, to conduct the government of the kingdoms, when
the King is prevented, either by being on travel outside his kingdoms
or by illness, from carrying on the government, the Prince
next entitled to succeed to the throne shall, provided he has attained
thé age fixed for the King’s majority, conduct the government
as the temporary executive of the Royal power, with the same rights
as devolve on the interim Government.
42. As to the further provisions necessary in the cases mentioned
in §§ 39, 40, and 41, the King is to introduce.in the next
Storthing in Norway and in the next Riksdag in Sweden, a bill framed
on the principle of complete equality between the two kingdoms.
43. The election of guardians, who shall administer the government
of the King, when he is under age, shall take place according
to the same rules, and in the same manner as before prescribed in
8 7 for the election of a successor to the Throne f).
44. The persons, who in the cases mentioned in §§ 40 and 41
are conducting thé _ government, shall take the following oath :
«I promise and swear to carry on the government in accordance
with the Constitution and the laws, so truly help me God and His
Holy Word !»
"') See Act of Union, sect. 5.
•*) See Act of Union, sect. 6.
v*I| See Act of Union, sect.. 7.
Iff See Act of Union, sect. 8.