95. No dispensations, protections, postponements of payments,
or redresses may be granted after tbe new general law comes into
96. No person can be condemned except according to law, or
be punished except according to judicial sentence. Examination’ by
torture may not take place.
97. No law may be given retroactive. effect.
98. All fees paid to officials of the courts of justice are exempt
from taxes to the Exchequer.
99. No person may be arrested and detained in prison except
in the cases determined by law, and in the manner prescribed by the
laws. For unjustifiable arrest or illegal detention, the person concerned
shall be responsible to the person imprisoned.
The Government is not entitled to employ military force against
subjects of the State, except in accordance with the forms provided
by law, unless any meeting should disturb the public peace,'and
does not immediately disperse after the articles, in the . Statute-book
relating to riots have been read aloud three times by the civil authority.
100. There shall be liberty of the Press. .No person can be
punished for any writing, whatever its contents may be, which he
has caused to be printed or published, unless he, wilfully and
publicly, has either. himself shown or incited others to disobedience
to the laws, contempt of religion or morality or the constitutional
authorities, or resistance to their orders,, or has advanced false
and defamatory accusations against some one. Every one shall be at
liberty to speak his mind frankly on the administration of the
State and on any other subject whatsoever.
10 1. New and permanent restrictions on the freedom of industry
shall not be granted to any one in future.
102. Domiciliary visits may not be made, except in criminal cases.
103. Sanctuaries shali not be granted to such as hereafter
become bankrupt.
104. Neither landed nor movable property can in any case be
105. If the welfare Of the State shall demand that any person
shall surrender his movable or immovable property for the public
use, he shall receive full compensation from the Exchequer.
106. Both the purchase money and the income derived from
the landed property constituting the benefices of the clergy shall be
applied solely to the benefit of the clergy and to the promotion of
education. The property of charitable institutions shall be applied
solely to their advantage.
107. The Odel and Aassede *) rights may not be abolished.
The further conditions under which they shall continue, to the greatest
benefit for the State and advantage of the country population, are to
be determined in the first or second Storthing following.
108. No earldoms, Jjaionies, entailed estates, or heirlooms may
be created in future.
109. Every citizen of the State is, as a rule, equally bound,
for a certain time, to defend his Fatherland, whatever be his birth
or fortune. The application of- this principle and the limitations it
is to undergo, also how far it is ?ljeneficial to the country that the
duty of serving in the army ceases at the age of twenty-five, «bail
be left to -the first ordinary Storthing to decide, after every information
has been obtained by a committee. In the meantime the
existing provisions shall continue in force.
1 l O. Norway shall retain her own Bank and her own currency
and coinage, and these ^institutions shall be determined by law.
111. Norway has the right to have her own merchant flag.
Her naval flag shall be a union-flag.
112. If experience should show that any part of this Constitution
of the Kingdom of Norway requires to be altered, the proposal
therefore shall be submitted at ,the first ordinary Storthing after a
new . election, and be published in print. But it is only one of the
ordinary Storthings after the next election which shall be entitled
to decide whether the -proposed alteration should be made or not.
- . . au alteration, however, must never be at variance with the
principles of this, constitution, but must be rigidly restricted to such
modifications m particular provisions as do not change the spirit of
this constitution; and two-thirds of the Storthing must agree to such
an alteration.