Waifs and strays 290.
War, Great Northern 1709—20 136.
— with Great Britain 1807—14 136.
- Sweden 1814 142.
War-vessels 304.
Waterfalls 22 ill.
as motive power 394.
Wedel-Jarlsberg, H. 138.
Weights and measures 441.
Weisse, J . P. 513.
Welhaven, J. S. 497. 600. 517. ,
Wentzel, G. 567.
Werenskiold, E. 555 ill.
Wergeland, H. 481. 496. 517.
r ^r- 0 . 548.
Wessel, J . H. 494.
Wexelsen, C. IX 544.
Whale fishery 371 ill.
Willow zone 61.
Wind 49. 62. 56.
Winge, P. 625.
Winter-Hjelm, O. 619.
Woman’s question movement 217.
Wood-carving 680 ill. 583.
Wood-pulp 393. 397. 426.
Wooden church architecture 608 ill.
Woodland 9.
Working-men, protection and insurance
Working-men’s associations 217.
— colleges 279.
— dwellings 216.
215, line 16,
216, 7,
379, — 20,
622, H is,
Omit «On t h e o t h e r h a n d . . . has t o e r e c t .»
«W o r k h o u s e s , . . . in s u f f i c i e n t n u m b e r s . »
B e a d : J . B . B a b t h : Norges Fuglevildt. og Jagten
paa samme.D
Sigurd Jorsalfar, read: Sigurd Slembe. -