uannnously and without a debate, an annual sum to the inter-
nahonal peace-bureau at Berne. The same year, the Storthing
began to vote,_ -m its annual budgets, a sum to the president
of the Norwegian branch of the interparliamentarian league as
?*C' In tte Same wa^’ the Storthing in 1895
oted 2000 kr. to the mterparlammtarian bureau at Berne after
a request bad been made at the inter-parliamentarian conference
at the Hague m 1894 to the countries represented in the league
to toy to raise a suitable contribution towards defraying the expensed
of the bureau. In 1898, the Storthing also resolved to pay a regular
annual subscription to the ■ above-mentioned inter-parliamentarian
bureau. Finally, in 1899, the Storthing voted 50,000 kr. to the
mter-parliamentanan conference, which held its meetings in August
of the same year, in the Norwegian capital.
I t is only necessary to mention these grants by the Norwegian
Storthing to show bow firmly and decidedly the Norwegian people
have taken up the great cultural idea, which at length, following
the initiative of the Czar of Eussia, in 1899 led to the inter
national Peace Congress at the Hague. I t is needless to say that
the feehng of the Norwegian government in this matter has been
one with that of the nation.
In Norway, with her large fleet, - o- i w’- —hi—ch vc aariiriiceos ' tuhiee aN-n ourr*weenan
flag into all the ports of the world, special attention has always
been paid to the deliberations of the congresses with regard to the
protection of private property at sea in time of war (Proceedings
of the inter-parhamentarian Peace Conference at the Hague 1894)
The public proceedings in Norway, however, have turned upon
arbitration treaties and their realisation.
I t is also as a special recognition of the services rendered by
the Norwegian Storthing to the peace question, that a Swede,
r. A. N o b e e , has, m his will, commissioned the Storthing to
award the annual prize he has offered out of his large fortune
for the best work, or the.most meritorious action towards the
furtherance of the peace question.
I t is needless to say that there is also a general Norwegian
peace association (Neffges fredsforening), which, with its various
branches, works in accordance with the peace associations in.all
other countries, which have their common organ in the previously
mentioned international peace bureau at Berne. They work by
means of meetings, and through the press.
Norges officielle Statistik.
A. N. K iæ r . Indtoegts- og formuesforhold i Norge. K r is tia n ia . 1892—93.
Am u n d H e l l a n d . Hvad vi spiser i Norge, og hvad der spises i Paris: K ri-
~ stiania. ■ 1896.
Socialstatistik. B ind I—IV . Bilag til den parlamentanske Arbeiderkommissions
Indstilling.. Kristiania. 1897—1900.
O. J. Br o c h . Kampen mod Alkoholismen i Norge. Kristiania. 1887.
Odelsthings Proposition ang. Udfoerdigelse a f Bov om Broendevins Salg og Ud-
. skjoenkning med Bilage. (Sth.-Forh. 1894, D. 3).
H. E. Be r n e r . L e régime de l’alcool en Norvège. (Revne politique et parlementaire.
T. 10. Paris. 1896).
Indstilling f r a den départementale komite til revision a f 0l-, vin- og broendevins-
■ lovgivningen. Kristiania. 1898.
Soerskilt indstilling af gaardbruger S v e n Âa r r e s t a d . Kristiania. 1898.
W i l h . B o d e . Wirtshaus-B,eform in England, Norwegen und Schweden. Be rlin .
A. T h . K iæ r . The Norwegian system o f regulating the drink traffic. (T h é E c o nomie
Journal. Vol. IX, Nr. 33. London. 1899.)®
E il e r t Su n d t . Om Giftermaal i Norge. Bidrag til Kundskab om Folkets Kaar
og Seeder. Kristiania. 1866.
» Om Soedeligheds-Tilstanden i Norge. Kristiania. 1857.
B. G e t z . Udkast til Bov til Modarbeidelse a f ojfentlig TJscedelighed og venerisk
Smitte, mied Motiver. Kristiania. 1892.
Arbeiderkommissionens Indstilling. I : Forslag til Bov om Tilsyn med Arbeide
i Fabriker m. V. Kristiania. 1888. (Sth.-
Forh. 1890. B. 3.)
I I : Forslag til Bov om Arbeideres Sygefor-
sikring m. V. Kristiania. 1892. (Sth.-
Forh. 1893. B. 3 b J J
I I I : Forslag til Bov om Ulykkesforsikring
fo r Arbeidere i Fabriker m. V. Kri-
v stiania. 1890.
Indstilling til Bov om Invaliditets- og Alderdomsforsikring fo r det norske Folk
f r a den parlamentanske Arbeiderkommission. Flertallets Forslag. Kristiania.
ForeUbigt Udkast. til Bov om Syge-, Alderdöms- samt Invaliditets- og Ulykkesforsikring
f r a den parlamentanske Arbeiderkommission. Mindretallets
Indstilling. Kristiania. 1899.