Zaitha, Julian’s army reach, 435
Zâkhü, or Zâkko (on the Khâbür), reached
by the 10,000 Greeks, 224
Zarazummim, tribe of the, descended from
Ham, 21
Zamzummims, the, expelled by the Ammonites
from Kabbah, 69
Zanzàna, Darius defeats Naditabirus at,
near Babylon, 178
Zaragardia, or Ozogardana, pillaged by
Julian’s army, 436
-, Trajan’s throne at, 436
Zaraka, a town from which the Arabians
were called Saracens, 76
Zarangæi, the, or Drangæ, and the route
taken by Alexander, 306
Zariaspa, or Bactra, 311, 312
Zâwüjah (in Kurdistan), the Greeks proceed
by the ravine of, 226
Zedekiah (once Mattaniah), king of Judah,
his attempt to throw off Nebuchadnezzar’s
yoke, 158
, prophecy concerning, 157,158
, Nebuchadnezzar’s treatment of, 158
Zend-avestâ, the, in which are contained the
tenets of Zerd-husht, 183
Zenobia, on the death of her husband Ode-
natus, reigns at Palmyra, 426
defeats Heraclianus, and subjects some
of the Roman provinces, 427
is defeated by Aurelian at Imma, 427
again defeated by Aurelian, and compelled
to retreat, 427
’s defence of Palmyra, and retreat and
capture, 428, 429
, town, Çhosroes I. at, 442
Zenodotia stormed by Crassus, 407
Zerah, the Ethiopian invasion of Judea by,
, the Cush of, probably in Arabia, 134
Zerdusht, or Zerd-husht, probably Zoroaster,
reforms the Magian religion, 183,184,
Zerka, Tarikh Ibn, leader of the Moorish
expedition against Spain, 457
Zerrah lake, Alexander’s halt at, 307
Zerubbabel, or Zorobabel (Shesh-bazzar),
returns to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem,
Zhafar, or Dhafar, the Himyaritic Thafar,
49, 50
Zigani mountain, from which the Euxine is
visible, 233
Pass, defeat of the Colchians by the
10,000 Greeks at the, 234
Zikr Ism&i'l, 613
Zikru-al-ahw&z bund, 613
Zilleh, commerce of ( A p p e n d i x N . ' )
Zobah (Nisibis) and H&ran formed the
Chaldean kingdom of U’r, 48
i-~ r , probably Nisibis, 121
, David defeats the king of, and takes
much brass from the cities of, 121 -
Zohak, Zohac, or Zohauk, the Nimrud of
the Persians, 24, 58
Zohruy, a boat used on the Indus, and its
construction, &c., 375
Zolakert, a son of Amassia, 41
Zopyrus enables Darius to recapture Babylon,
Zoroaster, the doctrines of, 17Q, 171, 183-
(named Archimagus) and the Magi
slaughtered at Balkh by the Scythians,
—■—, four prophets who bore the name of,
, the birthplace of, &c., 183,184
, the religion of, promoted by Ahasuerus,
, the mythology of, probably that of the
Celts, 513
Zummara, the Romans defeat the Persians
' at, 439
Zuzim, the tribe of the, descended from
Ham, 21