No. V.—Imports from tlie Coast of Africa, 1836-7.
Weight. Value.
Cocoa-nuts • . • • 586
Gums, of sorts . • • 1,531 49,601
Grain, ditto . . . . •• 3,700
Horns, Gynda . . . 111 48 5,172
Ivory, elephants’ teeth • 1,805 50 2,70,407
Metals, spelter . . • 46 98 323
Shark-fins • • • 38 1,309
Spices, cloves. . • • 162 23 9,577
S u n d rie s........................ 642
Tortoiseshell . . . . •• 288 2,439
Wa x .............................. 19 66 900
W o o d ........................ ...... . . . . . l i l f f 3,733
Merchandise . . . 3,49,538
Treasure 911
Total rupees . . • 3,50,449
In 1837-38, the imports were . . 6,35,106
Being an increase of . 2,84,657
No. V.—Exports to the Coast of Africa, 1836-7.
Weight. Value.
Apparel . . . . . .
Cwts. lbs. Rupees.
Cassia . .................................... ..... ..— .—. -. 933 139
Copra or dry cocoa-nuts.......................................... 30 . . 138
Cotton. . . 1 . . . . • . . . 77 H p H 1,210 .)
Coir ........................................................... 30 • • 125
Dates . 210 464
Eatables 1 • • 1,221
Glass . ................................................ . 542
Ginger 68 14 722
Grain, of s o r t s .......................................... . . 10,130
Gums, of s o r t s ......................................... ..... 6 14 345
Hardware and c u tle r y .......................................... 81,680
Copper, tiles, and plates . . . . 28 84 1,628
Iron, Swedish b a r s ............................. 266 61 2,000
, , British b a r s .............................. 146 65 770
Metals . < , | nails . . . . . . . . 25 250
S p e l t e r ................................................ 29 192
Steel ..................................................... 49 504
Tin plates, 19 boxes . . . . . 650
Medicine and d ru g s ............................................... 163 105 1,858
20 100
f British white or plain cotton muslin, 1
1 11,391 p ie c e s........................• /
Piece goods j B r itis h y a ro ....................................
[Country, of sorts, 246,640 pieces . 330,065
Pepper 360 4,426
Silk, raw 154 953
Spices . 2 20 260
Sugar . 716 14 8,552
,, c a n d y ........................................................... 180 93 2,961
Stationery I Ä S f 125
Sundries 60,698
Wood . •• 1,255
Woollens, 5,905
Merchandise 5,93,331
Treasure . 25,000
Total rupees 6,18,331
In 1837-38 the exports were 6,45,289
Being an increase of • 26,958.