Budd, the leader of Buddhists, supposed to
have been Phut, Ham’s son, 33
Buddhism, influence of, 523, 541
Budii of Media, probably a tribe of Cushites,
Budroun, or Halicarnassus, 266-268
Buhtan-chai, or Centrites, 225
Bulgarians settle in Europe, 514
■, or Triballians, defeated by Alexander,
Bulimy, or excessive hunger, experienced
by the Greeks in their marches through
Armenia, 228
Bullock rollers for raising water, 653, 654
Bulut Tagh, or Cloudy Mountain; and its
continuation known as the Himalaya, 368 * ---- -, and springs of the Indus, 368
Bumadus river, Darius’ camp at the, 287
•. or Khazir-sil, and plain of Arbela,
Bunar, Kara, or Barathra, 209
Bunds in Africa, Arabia, and Asia, 613
construction of,. 614 • in European Turkey, 614
used on the Mygdonius to inundate
Nisibis, 432
Bunpur, Alexander’s march to Pura, or
Pareg, 343
Burech, El, canal, 612
Burgos, bishop of, 558
Busalossorus, or Nabopolasar, 153
Busheab, reached by Nearchus’ fleet, 353
Bushire, or Abu Shehr, or Sitakus, 353,
But, or Put, was the Chaldaic for Phut, or
Pha, the Bhud of the east, 19
, sovereign of Kusdi Khorasan, 19
Buyuk Membij, or Kara Bambuche, 433
Buz, from whom came the Haiks or Burzo-
nians, 41
------, son of Nahor, in Upper Mesopotamia,
, Elihu probably his descendant, 79
Byas, afterwards Byzantium, visited by the
Argonauts, 114
Byblus, Ham’s kingdom, 19
, now Jubei'l, on the coast of Phoenicia,
once Gebal of the Ammonites, 19
, Canaan, born at, 20
Byblus capitulates to Alexander, 277
Bypasa, Beas or Beeah river, 370
Byzantium captured by the Ionians from
Darius, 182
taken by the Greeks from the Persians,
saved by Xenophon, 241
Cables, chain, their use in Chinaj 651
Cadmonites, or Hivites, 94
——, settlement of the, in Bceotia, 112
Cadmus founds colonies* 94
1 grandson of Haik, settles near Ararat,
Cadusians, and Artaxerxes’ campaign
against the, 248
Caesarea or Gaysarey, formerly Mazaca,
Caesarea, or Gaysarey, stormed by the Persians
under Sapor, 425
in Cappadocia captured by the Persians,
under Chosroes II., 445
•----- , the fleet of Nearchus anchored at, 353
Cain and his wife are supposed to be the
Genus and Genea of Syria, 15
Cainites, or the daughters of men mentioned
in Gen. vi. 4
, the last of them supposed to be Niemaus
or Naamah, the sister of Tubal Cain,
and wife of Ham, 191
Cairo successfully resists the Crusaders,
— and Baghdad, learned men of, 552
Calah, now Sar-puli-Zohâb, on the slopes of
the Zagros, 24 -
Caledonians, or Piets, from the Celtic tribes
of Asia, 513
Calistus (or Balista) wars against the Persians
under Sapor, 425
Callas, satrap over the Hellespontine Phrygia,
Callenicum or Nicephorium, now Rakkah,
, Julian arrives at, 434
Callinicus on the Euphrates, the Romans
under Belisarius retreat to, 442
, arrival of Xenophon at, 238, 239
, Cheirisophus died at, 239
—— , proposed Greek colony at, 240
Cambyses, (also called Ahasuerus), son and
successor of Cyrus the Great, 173
crosses the Arabian desert and subdues
Egypt, 173, 174
expeditions against the temple of Ammon
and Ethiopia, 174
—‘— dies when returning to Persia, 175
Gomates the Magian usurps the throne,
called the master of the empire, 176
Camel, battle of the, 456
Campanus’s demonstrations of Euclid, 559
Campbell, C. D., Commander, I. N., on the
practicability of navigating the Euphrates,
599 ( A p p e n d i x N . )
Cana, or Coptos, port of, 580
Canaan said to have been born at Byblus, 20
, his kingdom took his own name, 21
, inhabitants of, and extent of, 21
, sons of, remained in Syria and Phoenicia,
2 3 '
, the Israelites cross the Jordan and
enter, 106
■1 - ■, flight of the inhabitants of, to Egypt
and Armenia, 106
Canaanidas leads some of the Canaanites
into Armenia,’106
, descendants of the, called Guuthanians,
Canaanites, flight of the Philistines and the,
—s— and their descendants the Berbers,
Canal proposed between Euphrates and
Tigris ( A p p e n d i x N . )
Canals of Mesopotamia, Lamlum, 612, 613,
from the Nile, 153, 154
Canastserum, promontory of, now Cape
Pailhuri, 252
Candia visited by British'vessels, 590
Canicular period, discovery of the, attributed
to the Egyptians, 110
Canoes of Lamlilm, Kiirnah, and Basrah,
642, 643
Canzaca, or Shiz, 183
Capacerunt bestowed on Niul by Pharaoh,
Cape of Good Hope circumnavigated, 589
Caphthorim, people of Mizraim, 21
Cappadocia, styled the first Armenia, 43
, the Medes and descendants of Togormah
in, 43
invaded by the Persians under Sapor,
Caprus, the, or Lesser Zab, crossed by Darius,
Caravan routes through Egypt, Arabia, &c.,
92, 93, 124, 569
route fromTadmor towards the Persian
Gulf, 125
trade by land to India probably led to
the Ophirian voyage, 125, 126
routes through Persia, 309
Carchemish, Nebuchadnezzar defeats Pharaoh
Necho at, 155
Cardacs, the, in Darius Codomanus’ army,
’ 269
Carduchian Mountains, route of the 10,000
Greeks over the, 225
Carduchians harass the Greeks, 226, 227
Caria supports Alexander and Darius, 265
, Alexander’s army winters in, 266
-, Alexander’s successes in, 266, 267
Carian commerce succeeds the Milesian, 574
CarmandsB, supposed situation of, 214 ( n o t e )
, and dispute among the Greeks at, 214
Carpets exported by the Arabs, 583
of Persia and Asia Minor, 631
Carrhse, Eumenes takes up a position near,
, retreat of the Romans under Crassus
to, 411
captured from the Romans by the Persians
under Sapor, 423
—:— recovered by the Romans under Gor-
dian, 423
recovered by Odenatus for the Romans,
, Julian advances to, 433
, two routes from, to Persia, 433
demolished by the khaliph A1 Mamun,
Carthage, a colony from Tyre, founded,
129, 130
, the Tyrians paid a ground rent for,
, revenue derived from the colonies by,
- - —, great resources of, 131
, nature of the government of, 131
sends colonies to the British isles, 190
Carthage, maritime enterprises of, 131, 190
taken by Louis IX. of France, 485
Carthaginian wars, cause of the, 131
Carthaginians, the, usurp the western trade,
rediscover Britain, 575
Caryanda, the native place of Scylax, 180
Casluhim, a people who lived to the southwest
of Canaan, 21
Caspatyrus, 180
, Darius’ fleet built at, 180
Caspian Sea, the examination of, projected
by Alexander, 366
Gates, Alexander’s pursuit of Bessus
from, 303
I Gates, 612
Cassander becomes the dependent ally of
Antigonus, 390
governs Asia for the young king, 391
murders Roxana and her son Alexander,
shares the government with PolySperchon,
, Antigonus commences operations
against, 392
proclaims himself king, 392
■, addition to the territory of, 398
| puts Olympias to death, 389
combines with Seleucus and Ptolemy
against Antigonus, 389
Cassiterides, the, or Sorlings (Britain),
known to the Phoenicians, 575
Cassius Mount, named after a descendant
of Cain, 4
Cassius, Roman General under Crassus,
Cataphractarii, or Clibanarii, of the Persians,
Catsea, a rocky island passed by Nearchus’
fleet, 353
probably Kenn or Kèis, 353
Cathsei, the, subjected by Alexander, 330,
, the, now the Kattias, 331
Caucasus, Sesostris planted a colony in the
valleys of the, 109
Causeways and roads of Assyria, 612
Caves, Mithraic, 607
of Assyria and Persia, 607, 608
Caystrus, plain of, and Cyrus’ march to the,
, Cyrus visited by Queen Epyaxa at the,
Cecrops of Sais, in Egypt, founded a settlement
in Attica, 112
Celaenae, halt of Cyrus’ army at, 205
, capital of Phrygia, taken by Alexander,
, Antigonus’ army winters at, 390
Celonae, Alexander's army halt at, 364
, a Boeotian colony planted by Xerxes’
expedition, 364
, now Sirwàn or Keiliin, 364 -
Celsus’ account of the sabaism of the Persians,
Celtic, their tribes spread from Asia into
Europe, 512, 513
3 b 2