ami i
ïX'îïs. of its central situation
of the East, Palmyra was in the
prosperity which had ever yet beer
and ■ Carthage, alone- excepted.'
Gdenatus it had been skilfully fort
advantages of high and strong w£
isolated situati in a wiae-spreai
sources of the besieging army in w
scanty supply, while the city was
tracked defence, which, from ifce
«SltkAance, which was sent ?n i
the summons of Aurei
determined I# he . te vet
roves. Sorties
ps wartare was
s't justified the
;ed by their »■
;h attached U
ed/ . But Syr :
romans wttn r
iiij'S, • ; :0sed tojvers, and
■¿y'bd by7 the neigbbo
i.'iftó were not wanting
||(.fhe influential men
' i« city was long ant
Wien to the besiegers