Ada, queen of Caria, declares in favour of
Alexander, 265
gives up the fortress of Alindce (Moola)
to Alexander, 266
Adaggi, Jebel, or Mount of Deliverance, 99
Adam’s knowledge, 8
Adan&h taken by the Crusaders, 475
’A’d Beni, language of, spoken at Khuryan
Muryan, 50
, traditions of, 51
&c., probably absorbed in the Kah-
tanites, 51
Adelard of Batb, and his works, 559, 560
'Aden, Himyari inscription at, 83
| Abyssinian forces landed at, 450
Adhim, bund of, 613
Ad’hiyari river, 373
Adiabene conquered by Trajan, 419
-----, situation of, 419
, called Athur for Assur by the inhabitants,
Adites, branch of Ham’s descendants, 44
Adrammeleoh murders Sennacherib, 142,
Adrian circumscribes his empire, 421
Adrianople taken by Murad, 498
3 gigantic piece of ordnance cast at, 500
occupied by the Russians, 504
iEgaleos, Mount, Xerxes witnesses the battle
of Salamis from, 195
TEgyptus or Mizraim, son of Cham, . 45
was the first to settle in Egypt, 45
Aelath blockaded by the Crusaders, 478
iElius Gallus, 414
Afghans, origin of the, 469
, conquests under Mahmud Ghizni, 469
■ conquered by Nadir Shah, 497
Africa, occupied by the Hamites, 45
— at first cqnsidered part of Arabia, 46
, spread of the Hamites in, 46
oonnected with Arabia, 40, 47
| expedition of Jasasin Ibn Amrit into,
distance of the voyage to, 125
, products of the eastern coast of, 125
, its Phoenician colonies, 128
----- circumnavigated by the Phoenicians
under Pharaoh Necho, 154
, colonies sent from Carthage to the
western coast of, 190
the projected circumnavigation of, by
Alexander, 366
.— - invaded by the Arabs, 455
----- 1 settlement of the Berbers and Moors
in, 455, 456
.— * its trade from India, 576
circumnavigated, 579
Afrikus, successor of Abrahah, king of the
Himyarites, 80
, his expedition against the Berbers, 80
— —, town built by, 80
, extent of conquests of, 80 ;
_. _ succeeded by his son Alfeidar, 80
’Afrih, the, crossed by Cyrus’ army, 213
Agaazi, the, founded Axum, 47
Agathocles put to death by the Partbians,
Agema, a corps in Alexander's army, 360
Agesilaus sent against Ephesus, 245
——, preparations of Tissaphemes against,
245 . 2 plunders Pharnabazus’ territory, and
defeats Tissaphernes, 246
, his campaign, in Bithynia against
Pharnabazus, 246
his army recalled to Lacedaemon, 246
his fleet defeated by Pharnabazus,
near Cnidus, 245
defeats the Persians near Coronea, 247
takes service under Tachos, king of
Egypt, 248, 249 ,
. enables Nectanabis to usurp the throne
of Egypt, 249
, death of, 249
Aghatch, Kara, on the Harpesus, crossing-
place of the 10,000 Greeks, 231
Agines, a village of the Susians, passed by
Nearchus, 356 |
, supposed site of Ahwaz, position of,356
Agobardus’ mission to Baghdad, 547
Agriculture much encouraged by the Magt,
185- •
Ahasuerus also called Cambyses, 173
——, or Artaxerxes Longimanus, 148, 198
Ahaz, king of Judah, besieged in Jerusalem,
139 .
, and the kings of Assyria, 139
. presents to Tiglath Pileser the vessels
of the Temple, &c., 139
Ahmed, the khaliph of Baghdad, defeated
by Taimur, 493
, diminution of the Turkish power under,
502 ■ ■
Ahriman’s mythology probably that of the
Celts, 513.
Ahwaz or Agines passed by Nearchus fleet,
356 - • Art ill'.. P
Axdin, district of Anadoli, 497
Ainsworth's report on the navigation of the
Euphrates, (Appendix M.)
’Ain-tab, district of, 13
surrenders to Taimur, 495
Ai'n-zarbah, &c., 13
Aizanas, the Abyssinian, invades Yemen, 450
'Akar Kuf, Julian’s army at, 438
_ —, its construction, 606
Akesines, Alexander’s passage of the, 330
, reached by Alexander’s fleet, 335
. the fleet descends the, 335 .
i Alexander constructs a city on the,
338 I H I
——, confluence of the, with the Indus, 338
f source, eourse, and tributaries of the,
370, 371 , _ I
'Akhar Tell, or Firuz Sapor, and Peria-
aboras, 438
, its situation, 438
Akhoora, called after Noah, 8
Akhthamar, sea of, or lake Vdn, 116
’Akkd, stormed by the Crusaders, 475
retaken by the Muslims, 479
, siege of, by the Crusaders, 480-482
fifth armament of Crusaders land at,
* Akkd, sixth army of Crusaders, under Louis
IX., disembark at, 485
, Prince Edward lands at, 486
taken from the Crusaders, 486 - besieged by Napoleon, 503, 535
Akko, now Ptolemais, Pharaoh Necho advances
to, 155
Akora, near Attock, probably the site of the
fort of Aornos, 323
Akran, king of Yemen, 449
A1 ’Adhed, the last of the Fatimites, 476
'Ald-ed-dm defeated by Murad, 498
Alban mountain, tunnel of the, 614
Albania, ancient once called Kusdi, 35
Albertus Magnus, 548
Alemanni and Franks repulsed by the
Romans, 424, 425
Aleppo ceded to Saldh-ed-dih by the Crusaders,
plundered by Taimur, 495 .
——, trade of, with India, 589
——, port of, and its trade, 594
, trade at, decline of, 594
- - -■ and Damascus stuffs, 631
Alexander, his birth, 255
—— at the battle of Chseronea, 255, 256
— — succeeds his father Philip, 257
—— is elected chief of the Greek confederacy,
■, his first campaign against the Illyrians
and Thracians, 258
—g || defeats the Bulgarians or Triballians,
258 - crosses the Ister or Danube, 259
—— defeats the Goths, Illyrians, and Tau-
lantians, 259
—— takes Thebes by storm, 259
— celebrates the Olympic games at Dia,
, his invasion of Asia desired by the
Greeks, 259
, his advantages over Darius, 262
relies on his victories for funds, 262,
263 * ----- sacrifices at Troy, 263
, advances to Zelia, in Bithynia, 263
defeats Darius’ army at the Granicus,
263, 264
—— advances to Sardis, 265 * ----- erects a temple to Jupiter at Sardis,
causes the temple at Ephesus to be rebuilt
and endowed, 265
takes Miletus and advances to Halicarnassus,
-----assisted by Queen Ada of Caria, 266
, his army winters at Caria, 266
permits the married soldiers to visit
Greece, 266
, Parmenio keeps up the communication
with Greece for, 266
«--r—, his success in Lycia and Caria, 266,
—— marches round Mount Climax, and
subjects Pisidia, 267
•— - takes Celeense and marches to Gor-
dium, 267
Alexander, his army recruited from Macedonia,
takes Paphlagonia and Cappadocia, 268
forces the Cicilian gates, 268
takes the castle of Halicarnassus, 269
subjects Cicilia, Campestris, and Rugged
Cicilia, 269
advances through the Syrian gates, 270
defeats Darius at the Issus, 274
, his honourable treatment of the royal
captives, 275, 276
I sends Parmenio to take Damascus, 276
refuses peace to Darius, 276, 277
—— takes Tyre after a long siege, 277,279
, his reply to Darius’ second proposal of
peace, 280
offers sacrifices at Jerusalem, 280
grants privileges to the Jews, 281
——- besieges and takes Gaza by storm, 281
sends spices to his tutor Leonidas, 282,
founds the city of Alexandria, 283
visits the temple of Ammon, 283, 284
consolidates, the Egyptian government,
crosses the desert from Ammon to
Memphis, 284
marches to Tyre, 284
crosses the Euphrates at Thapsacus, 285
builds Nicephorium or Rakkah, 285
crosses the Tigris, 286
, his tact in quieting the alarm caused
by an eclipse of the moon, 287
—— refuses Darius’ liberal proposals, 287
gains the battle of Arbela, 292-294
seizes Darius’ treasure, &c., 296
marches towards Babylon, 296
, his triumphal entry into Babylon,
restores the temple of Belus, 296
■ regulates the government of Babylonia, 297 ; ;
takes Susa and its treasure, 298
marches against the Uxii, 298
advances into Persis, 299
forces the Persian gates, and crosses
the Araxes, 300, 301
, Persepolis taken and sacked by, 301
subdues the Mardi, Cossaei, &c., 302
sets fire to Xerxes’ palace at Persepolis,
takes possession of Ecbatana, 302
releases the civic Greeks from their
engagement, 302, 303
pursues Darius, 303
, his pursuit of the conspirators, and
death of Darius, 304
invades Hyrcania, the Mardi, &e., 305
marches against Bessus and Barzamtes,
, his route against the Drangae, 306
“ t1- marches to the Ariaspae, 307
1 causes the Gedrosi and Arachosi to
submit, 307
, his march from Peshawarun, 307
‘ , his generals disperse the Bactrians,
and slay Satibarzanes, 308