forml by the power of a horse of excellent virtue, and according^ the will of
Auramazdes sacred adoration falls to the lot of me, King Darius. I am the noble
Darius king, O Auramazdes! accept from me adoration with the national gods;
and O, Auramazdes, defend the country from disease, from barrenness, and from
falsehood! Let not the storms of winter, not disease, nor sterility, nor falsehood
enter this country. This happy condition I, with the national gods, entreat
Auramazdes: O, most wise Auramazdes, preserve me with the national gods
1. AdBm Daryawus khsayapiyS w'azU—
2. rka, khsayapiya khsayapiyana-
3. m , khsayapiya dahyunam tyi—
4. sam pSrunam, Vistasp'ihya
5. puthra, Hakhamanisiya. patiya DSr-
6. yawus khsayapiya wasna Auram’4—
7. zdaha. una dahyawa, tya adam
8. ad'arsiya hada ana P ’arsa ka—
9. r a , tya h'acam atSrs, mina baj-
10. im abara: Uwaza, Mad‘4, Babifu—
11. s, Arabaya, Apura, Qhudray-
12. a, Armina, K'atp'adukU, Sp'arda, Y -
13. una, tyiya usk’ahya uta ty -
14. iya daryahya; uta dahyawa t -
15. y a : Farutya, Asagarta Farpawa Zara-
16. ka, Hariwa, Bakhtris, Sugda, Uw-
17. ar’izSny'4, pat'agus, Haruwatis, El-
18. ’Ahus, GadarS, S'aka, Maka, patiya
19. Daryawus khsayapiya y'achiyS
20. aw'ama maniyahya h'ica aniya-
21. n a . ma dirsam imam Parsam karUm pachi-
22. y a . yachiya kara Parsa patahstiy'a hya
23. thuwistam siyatis akhsata huwaci- •
24. ya Aura nirasatdya abiya imam vipam.
( Translation.)
‘•I Darius, am a mighty king, king of kings, king of these many countries
the son of Vistapes, an Achsmenian; I am the noble Darius, king by the grace of
Auramazdes. These are the countries which I held in subjection in this thing
the Persians were the actors—and who paid adoration to fire, and paid tribute to
me • Cissia, Media, Babylonia, Arabia, Africa, the Gordjaei, Armenia, Cappadocia,
Sparda the Ionians, both those on the continent and the islands; and also these
countries, Parittia, Asagarba, Paxthians, Zaranga, the Harians, Bactna, Sogdia,
Chorasmia, Palayas, Ar^chosia, India, Gaudara, Saaans, Maca. The noble King
Darius, worthy to be reverenced. May such adoration be consecrated to me.
. M¿moires de la Socidto Eoyale'des Antiquaires du Nord, p. 407. Copenhagen, 1844.
May I never see this Persian acting in an humble condition. The Persian is an
agent to be reverenced as one who is a defender. May fortune remain safe to this
nation to most distant ages. O thou who art justly celebrated with Divine
I t has been observed, that as the Scythians (Squdrü) are not here enumerated,
but afterwards included among the nations tributary to Xerxes, it is probable that
these inscriptions were cut previously to the expedition undertaken by the great
king against the tribes of Scythia.1
The interpretation of the important and detailed trilingual inscriptions of
Bisutün have thrown much additional light on the history of this reign, especially
the details of the various conquests and expeditions of Darius Hystaspes for the
suppression of revolts, previous to his invasion of Thrace. These inscriptions, and
their interpretation as deciphered by Major Rawlinson, will be found at length in
the Royal Asiatic Journal, vol. X., part i., and vol. X., part iii. The still more
recent and valuable interpretations, by Major Rawlinson and others, of the Perse-
politan inscriptions given above, are found to agree in all essential points with
those of the Société Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, already quoted.
The inscriptions which have been deciphered since this work was prepared
elucidate the present, as the others already noticed have done in the case of the
former reign; and in the same inflated language.2
16. pátiy’á Khsyársá narpha waz'ár—
17. k'á wasná Aurahya m’ázdáh'á
18. im'á h'áchis Daryawus narph'á
19. aqunus, hya maná pet—
20. á. mám Auramazdá pá3u-
21. w'á hadá bagibis utá t -
22. y’ámiyá kártam utá tyámi—
23. ya pithrá Dáry'áw'áhus nárpháhy—
24. á kártam awásáciyá Aurámáz-
25. dá páSuwá hádá bágibís.
( Translation.)
“ I am the noble Xerxes, a great king according to the will of Auramazdes,
King Darius built this pillared hall, who was my father. Auramazdes defend
me with gods, both this palace and also the palace of my father King Darius. O
Auramazdes! worthy to be propitiated, defend me with gods.”
Again on the same interesting subject of the great palace and its portals8 —*
11. pátiya Khsyársá khsáyápiyá wásná
12. Aurámázdáhá imám thuwárpim visádáhyum
1 Memoires de la Socie'te' Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, p. 408.
8 Ibid. p. 349. 8 Ibid. 351.