Syria, means taken by Crassus to increase
the revenue of, 407
invaded by Orodes’ son, Pacorus, 412
——, the Persians under Sapor invade, 423,
, 425
-* ' .. invaded by Zenobia, and Abu Bekr,
427, 452
retaken by Salâh-ed-dm, 480
places in, ceded to the Crusaders by
the treaty of Frederick II., 484, 485
——- and Palestine united to the Ottoman
empire, 486
>—v , Taïmür’s conquests in, 495
partly subjected by the Turks under
Selim I., 500
— , commerce through, 594 (and A p p e n d
i x -ZV.)
Syriac, derived from the Chaldaic, 31, 84
characters resemble the Chaldee, Hebrew,
and Phoenician, 629
Syrians, the, (Suriani) or Assyrians, called
, also Arameans, &c., were descended from
Shem, 31
, gates, description of the, abandoned by
Abrocamas, at the approach of Cyrus, 211,
212 ' trade, and its decline, 594, 595
Syrians, Leuco-, also called Chrysor, 36 ■ ------------, territory of, arts, &c., 36
, the, or Assyrians of ’Irak Arabi, identical,
Sysimithres, or Arimazes rock, the hill fort
. of Oxyarta captured by Alexander, 317
Tab river, or Indian, 354
Tabariyeh, the Karismians raze the fortifications
of, 485
Taberistân, formerly Tapuria, 305
, the chiefs of, transfer their allegiance
to Alexander, 305
Tabol, river in Siberia, crossed by Taïmur,
Tabriz, routes from and to, 573
Tachos, satrap of Egypt, 249
, Artaxerxes* reception of, 249
Tadmor, caravan routes through, 93
Tadmor built by Solomon, 122 ■ -----, caravan routes to the Persian Gulf,
&c., passing by, 124, 125, 570
Ta'im, in Egypt, captured by Al, Mâmiin,
Taimur-Bec, Taimur-Lenk (the lame), or
Tamerlane, 491
conquers Turkistan, Persia, and Armenia,
and massacres the inhabitants of
Ispahan, 492
’s campaign against the Kiptshak, &c.,
—— invades India, &c., 494* 495
——- defeats and captures Bajazet, 495
, death of, 495
compared with Alexander, 496
’s descendants, were the great Moguls of
northern India, 496
Tajah, Himyari tablet in her sepulchre in
Yemen, 90, 91
Takhti Suleiman (see Phraata), 413, 608
Takhti Soleiman, ruins of, probably the Median
Ecbat&na, 147
Takti-Bostan, ruins of, 608
Talmona, haven and station of Nearchus*
fleet, 349
— —, the bay of Charb&r, or Choubar, 349
Tamberan, a town built by Shem, 13
Tamerlane, Ta'imur-Bec, or Taimiir-Lenk
(the lame), titles and early history of,
491, 492
Tanais, the Jaxartes mistaken for the, 312
Tangier, Africus, king of the Himyarites,
extends his conquests to, 80
Tanjus, or Khan, emperor of the Huns, 468
Tanka, or egg boat of the Chinese, 648
Tanks, Moorish, at Gibraltar, 628
Taoce, station of Nearchus, near the mouth
of the Granis, 354
Taochians, the Greeks plunder the country
of the, 230
Taok (see Tuchi) 230
Tapuria (see Taberistan), 305
Tarabuzun (Trebizond), halt of the 10,000
Greeks at, 235
—— , port and trade of, 573, 589
, entrepot of Persian commerce, 595
(and A p p e n d i x G .)
and Tarsus proposed places of trade,
601 (and A p p e n d i x N . ' )
Tarichea taken by Vespasian, 417
Taron, son of Shem, left by his father at
Tamberan, 13
Tarsias, now Cape Certes, or Has Jerd, a ’
headland passed by Nearchus, 353
Tarsus plundered by Menon, 209
, Cyrus halts at, 210
plundered by the Persians under
Sapor, 425
taken by the Crusaders, 475
Tartan, Sennacherib’s general in Judsea,
Tartars, and the use of pyramids, 607
Tartary subjects Iran, 133
Tartessus, a Phoenician settlement, 96
Tashkend and Khiva, 596
Tasim and Beni Tasim, lost tribes,r45
Tatnai, governor of Syria and Palestine, 177
Taulantians, the, invade Macedonia, 259
■rrrr±4-, the, defeated by Alexander, 259
Tauric chain, the, the water-shed of Armenia,
Taurus, Cyrus’ army rounds the, 206
-------------turns the pass of the, 209
——, one name of the Paropamisus, 308
, the, crossed by Taimur, 495
Taxila, the capital of Taxiles, probably
Manikjala, 324
, Alexander’s winter quarters, 324
Taxiles, and other Indian princes, send presents
to Alexander, 319
* , or Mophis, assisted in preparing the
bridge over the Indus at Attock, 323
and other Asiatic satraps retain their
governments after the death of Alexander*
Tchildir district, the Chalybean country
probably a part of the, 231
Tchinistan, or China, 33
Tchoruk-su (Jorâk), or Acampsis, the Har-
pusus crossed by the 10,000 Greeks, 231
Tedjen, or Ochus river, Alexander’s march
to the, 318
Tehâmeh invaded by Asuad Abu Kurrub,
king of the Tobbâï, 449
Tekrit, the Tigris crossed by Jovian’s army
probably at, 441
stormed by Taïmiir, 493
Tekrova, formerly Phaselis, the principal
city of Lower Lysia, 267
Telane, probably built by Nimriid under the
name of Tunim, 39
Teleboas, or Karâ-sü, reached by the 10,000
Greeks, 227
Telegraph, electric, 565
Telmissus (now Makri), taken by Alexander,
Templars, the, nearly destroyed by the Hos-
pitalliers, 485
Temugin, original name of Genghis Khan,
Terah, a Shemitic Chaldean, 55
Teredon, or Diridotis, the port at which
Nearchus’ voyage terminated, 355, 356
, built by Nebuchadnezzar, 578
Terek, Taïmur defeats the Kiptshaks on the
river, 494
Teribazus induces Artaxerxes to encounter
Cyrus, 216
, the Greeks enter into treaty with, near
the Teleboas, 227
, embassies sent by thé Lacedaemonians
to, 246
i----- is sent into Cyprus against Evagoras,
—H recalled and deprived of his satrapy of
Lydia, 248
restored to his government, 248
■ joins Darius in a conspiracy against
Artaxerxes, and is put to death, 249
Thafar, the Himyaritic Dhâfar in Arabia,
Thais induces Alexander to set fire to the
palace of Xerxes, 302
Thales studied in Egypt and Phoenicia, 519
-— , philosophy of, and advancement made
by him in science, 519
■ and other sages connected with eastern
literature, 539
Thamud, the lost tribe of, 21
— , the destruction of the, agrees with
that of the cities of the plain, 22
probably absorbed in the Kahtanites,
Thamudite giants, Arab account of the destruction
of the, 68
Thapsacus, its distance from Sardis and Cu-
naxa computed, 207
, its distance from the Daradax, 213
— - abandoned by Mazæus, the general of
Darius, 285
, Crassus, crosses the Euphrates at,
, 409
T’hat’hah (Tattah), at the" estuary of the
. Indus, 372
Thebans, the, request assistance from Persia,
Thebes stormed by Alexander, 259
Theches mountain, the, (probably Gaur
Tagh), reached by the 10,000 Greeks,
Themiscyra, from whence came the Amazons
and Gargareis (or Armenians), 133
Themistocles’ reception by Ahasuerus, 199
Theodosia, city built by Seleucus, 399
Theodotus assumes the sovereignty of Bac-
tria, 400
Theophilus, campaign of A1 Mu’tasem
against the emperor, 462, 463
Theophrastus* work on botany, 531
Thereban (see Apollonia), Tiberias taken
by Vespasian, 417
Thermedon (Thermeh-Sii), the 10,000
- Greeks sail past the, 237
, Xenophon’s mistake regarding the,
Thermopylse, Xerxes gains the pass of, 194,
Thesos, excavations at mount, 617
Thilsapheta, Jovian passes, 441
Thilutha, an island fort on the Euphrates,
now ’Anatelbus, resists Julian, 436
Thimbron, the admiral, enters the Lacedaemonian
service, 242
Thoth, son of Mizraim, leads the Hamites
into Africa, 46
Thrace subdued by Darius Hystaspes, 181
.----- , Xerxes’ army enter, 193 ■ -----, the Greeks assist Seuthes, a king of,
Thracians, the, descended from Tiras, 44
Thrygei, Alexander’s campaign against the,
Thrymbrium, Cyrus advances to, 208
Thummosis, king of Egypt, and his exploits
commemorated at Thebes, 108
Tibarenians, from Tubal, 44 -•---- , the 10,000 Greeks enter the territory
of the, 237
Tiberias, town of, taken by Salah-ed-dih,
Tibetan, the, nail-headed letters, derived
from the Sanscrit, 34
Tibhath, a city of Zobah, from which David
brought much brass, 121
Tiglath-Pileser (see Artychus), 138
Tigranes replaced on the throne of Armenia,
—— , ungrateful treatment of Mithridates II.
by, 406
| the campaign of, in Egypt, and consequent
war with the Romans, 406
, the younger, is appointed ruler of
• Syria, 407
Tigranocerta, battle and invasion of, by
Lucullus, 406
Tigris, Naditabirtis defeated by Darius on
the banks of the, 178 ■ ----- , the 10,000 Greeks choose the route
along the, 219
, the proposed passage of the, near Jebel
Judi, declined by the Greeks, 225