Iron, early use of tliis and other metals,
I ’sa canal, ditch cut by Artaxerxes between
the Median wall and the, 216
Isaura, fortress in Cappadocia, taken by
Perdiccas, 381
Isauria invaded by the Arabs under
’Othman, 455
Is-haki canal, 612
Ishmael, and time of his birth, 67-69
and Hagar sent away, 70
— , the marriage of, with Mozauz, or
Modhaudh, 70 ‘
, the descendants of, and El Arab Mostearib6,
, the daughter of, Bashemath, marries
Esau, 76
Ishmaelites, the, and other Arabs, 76
-----, the, since called Saracens, 76
Isis, the mysteries of, founded on those of
Egypt, 518
Iskender Acbar, passage of the Euphrates
at Thapsacus, 285
Iskenderun, port of, Aleppo, 595
Isma’il Shah, first of the ySophi dynasty of
Persia, 497
establishes the Shi’ah faith in Persia,
Ispahan revolts, and massacre of the people
by Ta'imur, 492
Israel separated from Judah during Reho-
boam’s reign, and Shechem the capital,
-— ■ purchases peace from the Assyrians,
and wars against Judah, 138
—— invaded by Shalmaneser, or Arbianes,
in Hoshea’s time, 140
, So, or Sabacus, becomes the ally of,
140 —— , the remaining seven tribes of, carried
captive to Assyria, 140,141
Israelites, the, exodus of the, confounded
with the departure of the shepherds, 75
Issus, Cyrus’ army reach the, 211
, the city of, taken by Alexander’s
general, Parmenio, 269
Ister, or Danube, crossed by Darius’ army,
----------- , the, crossed by Alexander below
Widdin, 259
Italy renowned for schools in the time of
Charlemagne, 547
Italy, Khodean trade with, 573
, Greek colonies trade with, 574
Jabbah, a Moorish cement, 627
Ja’ber castle taken from the Crusaders, 476
Jai’han, the (Pyramus), crossed by Cyrus,
211 Jamash, brother of Darius Hystaspes, his
knowledge of astrology, &c., 189
Janizaries, Urklan organizes the corps of,
Japhet occupies the western side of
Armenia, 13
.----- , the descendants of, spread the antediluvian
idolatry over Greece, 16
Japhet, commixture of the sons of Ham with
those of, 35-38
, Ha'ik, the, representative of the line
of, 38
----------- , the descendants of, people
Europe, 43, 44
Japhetians, another name for the Haika-
nians, 41
Jásk, the town of, probably represents Badis,
where Nearchus found stores of corn, wine,
&c., for his fleet, 350
Javan, the progenitor of the Ionians and
Greeks, 44
Jaxartes river, various names of the, 312
, the, mistaken for the Tanais, 312
, Alexander crosses and defeats the
Scythians drawn up on the banks of
the, 314
, battle between Mdhammed Kothbeddin
and Genghis Khán, near the, 489
, the, or Gihon, crossed by Ta'imur, 493
, civilization spread from the banks of
the, 507
Jiar, or Jar, the second Chaldean month, 6
Jebel Jiidi, critical position of the 10,000
Greeks near, 225
Imariyeh, 416
Jebus, Jerusalem,David besieges, and makes
it his capital, 120
Jebusites, the, &c., originators of a branch of
the Berbers, 455J’
Jehoiakim ransoms Jerusalem from Nebuchadnezzar,
rebels against Nebuchadnezzar, 157
Jehoiakin, Jehoiachin, or Jechoniah, son of
Jehoiakim, carried captive to Babylon, 157
■— - released by Evil-Merodach, 161
Joktan, migration of the sons of, 49
, leaders selected by the descendants of,
——, places named after the sons of, 51
Jelalpoor, Alexander crosses the Jailum>
probably between Derapoor and, 324
Jenkmson’s overland journey to India, 534-
Jerah, probably Ya’rab ben Kahtan, 51
•---- , possessions of, 51
Jerd, Rás, or Cape Certes, the headland of
Tarsias passed by Nearchus’s fleet, 353
Jerid, a lance used by the Arabs, 455
Jerim and Himyari inscriptions, 81, 82
Jeroboam rules over Israel, 132
—— induced the Egyptians to invade the
kingdom of Judah, 132
Jerum, a town near the landing place of
Alexander, on the Hydaspes, 330
Jerusalem, once Solyma, 66
, the capital of Judah, 132
plundered by Shishak, king of Egyyt,
132, 133
, destruction of Sennacherib’s army
before, 142, 143
ransomed from Nebuchadnezzar,
, Pharaoh Necho levies a contribution
upon, 155
—— first and- second siege of, by Nebuchadnezzar,
156, 157
Jerusalem again taken by Nebuchadnezzar,
and spoiled, 158
, city and temple of, destroyed by Nebuzar
adan, 158
— —, Cyrus’ decree to rebuild the temple of,
— , the fire of the temple of, compared
with that of the Magi, 170
— , Cyrus restores the spoils taken from
the temple of, 171
■-----, foundation of the second temple of,
—— completion of the rebuilding of the
temple, 177,178
— , Esdras permitted by Ahasuerus to return
to, 199
— -, Alexander’s visit to, 280, 281
, Ptolemy Philopater’s visit to, 403
— , Temple of, plundered by Crassus, 408
, the siege and capture of, by Titus, 417,
———, ’Omar’s conquests extend to, 455
— , facilities given to pilgrims visiting,
'*-----, Hârun-el-Rashid presents Charlemagne
with the keys of, 473
— , treatment of the Christians of, by the
emir Ortok, 473
— , or A1 Kuds, becomes subject to the
khaliph of Egypt, 475
— — captured by the Crusaders, 475
—— establishment of the Latin kingdom
of, 475
taken by Salâh-ed-din, 479
— , Salah-ed-din improves the condition
of, 480
retained by Salâh-ed-dm on the peace
with Richard I., 483
—— taken from A1 Assaal by Al Mâlik A1
’Adel, 484*
, conditions on which the Franks occupied,
— • entered by the Karismians, 485
-— , the Muslims get possession of, 486
Jethro, or Raguel, instructs Moses in Arabian
polity, 100, 101
— , his son Hobab guides the Israelites, 103
Jews, Cyrus’ decree concerning the, 170
—— who return with Zerubbabel to Jerusalem
from Babylonia and Susiana, 171
—— , the, during the reign of Darius complete
the building of the temple, 177, 178
—— , the, permitted by Ahasuerus to return
to Jerusalem, 199
— , privileges granted to the, by Alexander,
, the, rebel against the Romans, 416
— -, Cæstus Gallus sent against the, 416
, final dispersion of the, after the destruction
of Jerusalem by Titus, 417,418
— , the, employed in Arabic translations,
- -f the black, of Malabar, 578
Jibbah, or Pombeditha, probably Barax-
malkd, 436 ( n o t e )
Job and the dukes of Edom in connexion
with, 76, 77
Job, and probable situation of the land of,
, the trial of, and its probable epoch, 7 8
—— and the localities connected with his
history, 78, 79
1 advanced civilization in the time of,
79, 80
Jonas’ pillar, Sakai Tutan (Beard Catcher),
Cyrus at, 211
Joppa and Gaza subjected by Antigonus,
taken by Vespasian, 417
Jor&k (see Tchoruk-sii), 231
Jordan, the river, passed by the Israelites,
105, 106
Jorham, or Jurham tribe, and Ishmael’s
marriage, 70
Joroft, a mercantile depot in Khords&n,
Joseph carried into Egypt, 71 >
, time of, and social state of Egypt, 71
Josephus and other writers give the period
of Abraham’s departure for Haran, 62,63
Jotapata, or Safet, the Bethulia in the book
of Judith, 151
—— besieged and taken by Vespasian,
Jovian, chosen by the Romans to succeed
Julian, 440
continues the retreat, 440
— makes peace with Persia, 440, 441
Jailum, the, or Behut, formerly the Hydaspes,
or Bidaspes (see Hydaspes), 324, 370
, the, supposed site of Bucephala, 371
, branch of the Hydaspes, source, course,
and tributaries of the, 371
Jube’il, once Byblus, more recently Gebal
of the Ammonites, 18 ( n o t e )
Judaeus, the king who succeeded Porus, 140
Judah, kingdom of, formed of the tribes of
Judah and Benjamin, 132
, invaded by Pul, or Sosarmus, king of
Assyria, 138
— , purchase money paid to Pul by
Menahem, king ofj 138
— , Polyhistor’s account of Pul’s invasion
of, 138
, Tiglath-Pileser’s conquest of, 138,139
——, the inhabitants of, carried captive into
Assyria by Tiglath-Pileser, 139
— ■ is invaded by the Assyrians under
Sennacherib during Hezekiah’s reign,
, sum paid to Sennacherib by, as the
price of peace, 142
almost subdued, and the capital invested,
aided by an Egyptian army, 142
, the, tribe of, returns to rebuild Jerusalem,
Judea, called Khananea, 64
—— separated from Israel during Reho-
boam’s reign, 132
—■—, Shishak, king of Egypt, invades and
plunders, 132
invaded by the Assyrians, 148
— invaded by Nebuchadnezzar, 155