Atropatians, the, submit to Antiochus the
Great, 403
Attica, kingdom founded in, 112
, march of Mardonius through, 196
Attock, Alexander's bridge of boats over the
Indus, near, 323
, route through, 572
Augustus becomes emperor of Home, 414
sends an expedition into southern Arabia,
414, 415
recovers the trophies taken from Crassus,
Auramazdes ( A p p e n d i x B )
Aurea Chersonesus, probably Ophir, 126
Aurelian, his campaign against Zenobia,
— , his examination of Zenobia at Emessa,
, he executes Longinus, 429
, Palmyra destroyed by, 430
Aurit8e, or Cushites, 37
Autophradates, confirmed in his satrapy by
Alexander, 305
Avebury in Wilts, and its remains, 15
Avendar, Jewish philosopher, 556, 557
Avicenna, 546; his works, 555, 557
’Awara, or ’Awarana, Sanscrit for an enclosure,
Axum, city of, founded by the Cushites in
Abyssinia, 73
Axumitic or Amharic characters, 47
Ayeshah, widow of Muhammed, opposes
’Ali, 456
at the battle of the Camel, 456
Azarethes defeats Belisarius, 442
Azerbaijan, quicksilver from, 583
invaded by the Tobbai, 449
subdued by Genghis Khan, 489
’Aziz, ’Omar ben’Abd-el-, successor of So-
leiman as khaliph, 457
, his fiscal arrangements, &c., 457
Ba’al, Abu, (Abibalus) the first sovereign of
Tyre, 129
Ba’al, supposed statue of, 631
, worshipped by the lost tribes, 45
Ba’alath built by Solomon, 122
, Ba’alat, or Baalbek, caravan routes
through, 124, 570
Ba’albek, caravan routes through, 93
taken by Taimur, 495
built by Solomon, 495
Baaltes, or Astaroth, the moon, 20 ( n o t e )
Bala, the, of the Arabs, or Amenophis and
Shishak, 132
Babel called Kusdi Nimrud, 19
, tower of, built by Nimrud, 24-26
- temple of, dedicated to Jupiter Belus,
, confusion of tongues at, 27
, Nimrud appears to have remained at,
31, 32
called Padmamandira, 45
Bab, El, Cyrus’ army passes, 213
Bab-el-Mandeb, straits of, crossed by the
Hamites into Africa, 46
Babylon, records destroyed, 139
Babylon, works of the second Semiramis,
139, 140 ’
, successors of Semiramis the Second,
was not the only abode of the captive
Hebrews, 141
sends colonists to Syria, 141
— , Sennacherib subdues Elibus, and appoints
Esar-Haddon king of, 141
, united to Assyria by Esarhaddon,
becomes a separate kingdom under
Nabopolasar, 152
, becomes the capital of the Assyrian
empire, 153
, Ezekiel and others taken as hostages
by Nebuchadnezzar to, 155-157
.j, two routes, between Jerusalem and,
155, 156
, adorned by Nebuchadnezzar, 157-160
, Belshazzar ascends the throne of, 163
, defended by Nitocris, 163
, advance of Cyrus’ army against, 164
, Belshazzar retires within the walls of,
, siege of, 164-166
, Cyrus’ stratagem to take, 165, 166
taken, and Belshazzar killed, 167
, Cyaxares’ death at, 169
, the winter residence of Cyrus, 172^
, rebellion of Cyrus during Darius’
reign at, 178
—— retaken by stratagem, 179
— - repeopled by Darius, 179
, its defences destroyed by Darius, 179
, worship of the Persians and Mesopotamians
of, 186
, Alexander’s march from Thapsacus
to, 285, 286
----, force assembled by Darius at, 285
, delivered up to Alexander after the
battle of Arbela, 296
, the temple of Belus restored by Alexander
at, 296
■ •. the government of, regulated by
Alexander, 297
, called the queen of the east, 296, 297
, satrapy of, continued to Mazseus, 298
, entered by Alexander contrary to the
warning of the Chaldeans, 365, 366
, chosen by Alexander as the seat of
government, 366
, improvements ordered by Alexander
for, 366,367
, fleet collected at, by Alexander, 368
, Alexander dies at, of fever, 368 ■ ----- , Seleucus appointed governor of, 381
visited by Trajan, 419
, commerce with, by Queen Elizabeth,
534, 592
, tunnel of, 615
— , ancient, statues of, 631
Babylonia before the flood, and Berosus’
account of, 4
' produce of, 5
not materially changed by the deluge,
Babylonia, mixture of races in, 30, 31
----, the Chasdim of, 36, 37 -•----, the centre of the Cushite dominions, 37
, spread of mankind eastward and
northward, southward and south-eastward,
quitted by the sons of Joktan, 49
recovered by the Shemites, 52
—■ — invaded by Eumenes, 382
invaded by Demetrius, 391
Babylonian letters similar to those of the
Chinese, 35 -•---- worship similar to that of ancient
Egypt, Canaan, &c., 57
— image worship probably astrological,
ruins, appearances of, 604
—— bricks, 604, 605 • structures frequently pyramidal, 606
cylinders and inscriptions, 629
Babylonians defeated by Aram, 42
, or the Chaldeans of Gerrha, 52
, their origin, 54
, the Chaldeans the priest class of, 53,
54, 56
, cruelty of, during the siege, 179
Bacon, Roger, and his acquirements, 564
Bactra, or Zariaspa, a principal city taken
by Alexander, 311, 312
, Bessus sent to, by Alexander, 312
, Alexander’s winter quarters, 315, 318
Bactria, the empire of, founded by Abu
Kurrub the Himyarite, 81
consolidated by Semiramis, 115, 118
, and Alexander’s march, 306
, Bessus retires from, into Sogdiana, on
the advance of Alexander, 311
, the wounded soldiers sent from, to
Europe, 311
, Spitamenes is expelled from, by Alexander,
subdued by Antiochus the Great, 404
settlements, and spread of civilization
from, 507 • , or Balkh, centre of trade, 571
Badaca, Antigonus’ retreat from, 384
Badger, or wind tower, 625
Badhan, the last Persian satrap of Yemen,
Badis, probably Jhsk, 350
, stores of corn, wine, &c., found at, by
Nearchus, 350
Bagar, branch of the Indus, 372, 373
Bagse, or Gabse, on the Oxus, and defeat of
Spitamenes, 316
Bagasira, haven reached by Nearchus, 347
Bagdad suitable for commerce, 601 ( A p p
e n d i x N . )
, supplies to, from Persian Gulf ( d i t t o )
Baghashu, R&s, Himyari inscriptions, 82
Baghdad, built and occupied as the capital
of Arabia, 458
—— flourishes under Hariin el Rashid, 459
literary entertainments given at, by
the khaliph al-Mamun, 460-462
A1 Mu’tasem removes the camp to
K&tiil from, 465
Baghdad, decline of, during the fourth
century of the Hijrah, 465, 468
taken by Togrul Bel, 470
taken by Taimur, 493
, revolt and massacre of the inhabitants
by Taimur, 495
, learned men invited from, 552
, the commercial capital of Trdk, 581
and Basrah, trade of, 594
, great emporium, 601
Baghistan, or Bisutun, sculptures and inscriptions
at, 117, 118
Baghistane visited by Alexander on his
march to Media, 365
visited by Semiramis, 364
, the well-known Bisutun, 365
Bagia (probably R&s Briefs), reached by
Nearchus, 349
Bagoas, viceroy under Ochus, 260
Bahrein, remains of the Amalekites in, 51
Baiburt, halt of the 10,000 Greeks near this
town, 232
Bajazet defeated by Taimur, 494, 499
Bayazid II., reigns over the Turks,
Balaam’s prophecy fulfilled, 186
Baladan Merodach, and his reign over
Babylon, 140
slain by Elibus, 141
Balbi’s voyage down the Euphrates and to
Pegu, 590
Baldwin placed on the throne by the Crusaders,
Balesius or Belik river, battle of the Par-
thians and Romans, 410
the, probable site of this battle, 412
Balista, or Calistus, wars against Sapor,
Balkh, death of Zoroaster at, 183
taken by Genghis Khan, 489
, route through, 571, 581
, caravan routes converging on. 309,
Balomus, coast of, and Nearchus’ fleet, 349
Baltic, migration from the, 513
Baluches of Pasira, their trade, 348
B&luk-su, or Baluklii-su(Fish river), crossed
by Cyrus, 212
Bambarak, or Kove Mubarrack, passed by
Nearchus’ fleet, 350
, called the second mount of Semiramis,
by Nearchus, 350
Bambuche, Kara, Julian at, 433
Bamiyan stormed by Genghis Khan, 489
Band-emir, or Araxes, 301
Bang, Cape, or Sous Poshoon (Mesambria),
Banna, town, the apex of the delta of the
Indus, 372
Barathra (Kara Bunar), where Epyaxa
quits Cyrus, 209
Barax-malka (probably Jibba), Julian's passage
of the Euphrates, 436
Barbarossa advances against Constantinople,
Barbary, a colony from, reaches Ireland,