Judea again invaded and laid waste, 158,159
Judith, book of, supplies parts of the history
of Assyria, 148
Julian appointed by Constantius governor of
Gaul, 432
declared emperor by the soldiers at
Paris, 433
, the preparations of, for the invasion of
Persia, 433
’s march to Edessa and Carrhse, 433,
crosses the Khdbur, 434
encounters a hurricane near Anatho,
—— defeats the Persians, 437 £
besieges and captures Perisaboras, 437
• advances through Mesopotamia, 438
y ’s fleet passes along the Nahr Malka to
the Tigris, 438
| ’s retreat from Ctesiphon and death,
Junk, the Chinese, suited for trade, 650,
Jupiter Belus, the temple on the summit of
the Tower of Babel dedicated to, 26
, Alexander consecrates an altar on
the battle-ground of the Issus to, 276
—— , temple in Tyre to the Olympian, 278
Jurham, or Hadoram, brother of Ya’rab ben
Kahtan, and ruler of the Hijaz, 51
Justinian’s campaigns with the Persians,
442, 443, 444
Juwah, one of the six mouths of the Bagar
branch of the Indus, 372
Ka’ba, veneration for the, retained in the
Kor&n, 453
, the fair at the, and centre of trade, 581
Kabana, Nearchus’ fleet encountered a storm
at, 347
Kabul river, the, its junction with the Indus,
— , trade to, from Orenburg, 596
——, commercial route through, 581
river crossed by rafts, 636
Kaderd, first Seljukian prince of Kirman,
Kadesh, once Enmishpat, 66
Kadhani, or Kelani, the Chaldeans Si or
Syrians’ name, derived from their capital
Calwadha, 55
,----- , probably the Nabatheans, 31
Kadisiyeb, remains of the Median wall near,
, battle won by Omar at, 455
Kddun Khan, Cyrus’ army pass, 209
Kaffa, ancient Theodosia, on the Black Sea,
587 I H H H i
Kahtan, migrations from Babylonia of the
sons of, 49
, intermixture of the lost tribes with
the descendants of, 51
■-----, tribes still bearing the name of, and
where located, 51
.---- , tomb of the patriarch, 51
——, the descendant of, ’Abd-el Shems, 52
— , the descendants of, civilize Arabia, 85
Kaht&n, Beit-el, dwelling of Kahtan, 51
, a part of the fixed inhabitants of
Arabia from, 449
Kahtanites, designated by their descendants
pure Arabs, 51
, Ya’rab ben Kahtdn ruled over the, 51
, the, possess Arabia, 49, 50
Kaife taken by the Crusaders, 475
Kaisariyeh, a proposed depot of trade, 601
Kajah, an ancient mouth of the Indus, 373
Kajar, dynasty of Persia, 497
Kaklfin, successor of ’Abd-el Shems, 52
, tribes descended from, 52
the Himyaritic government founded
by a descendant of, 52
Kakuree, on the Indus, 370
Kal’ah, ruins of, 606
• ■ • -,-r Sherkat, or U’r, 37
Kalama, a station of Nearchus’ fleet, 348
Kaldai, or Kel&ni Chaldeans, 31
Kal’eh Erig ruins represent Ragau, or Ullages,
Kalneh, excavations of, 610
Kama, or Kooner river, probably the Khoes,
reached by Alexander, 319
Kanasis and Kanates, stations of Nearchus*
fleet, 349
Kanat or Kahreez, 657, 658
Kandahar, or Alexandropolis, 307
reduced by Genghis Khan, 489
conquered by the Persians under
Nadir Shah, 497
Kang&war, or Chaone, 365
Kaptshak (see Kiptshak), 490
Karachee, passed by Alexander, 342
, situation, trade, productions, &c., of,
, the island opposite to, probably Krokala
of Nearchus, 345
: , proposed canal to the Indus at, 376]
Karaftu, Mithraic caves of, 608
Karagui mountain, from which the Euxine
is visible, 233
Kara Hisar, formerly Melangena, 498
, opening for British manufactures at
{ A p p e n d i x N . ) ,'
Kapu, pass secured by Alexander,
KilfeS, the 10,000 Greeks at, 230
Korum mountains in Tibet, 369
Kara-si, district of the Seljukian dynasty in
Anadoli, 497
Kard-su, the, crossed by Cyrus’ army, 213
, the, or Teleboas, falls into the Mur£dsu,
Kard-suma, the, passed by Taimur, 493
Kardkaban, the Colchians oppose the Greeks
near, 234
Karbis, place visited by Nearchus’ fleet, 348
Kdrej, a kind of cement, 626
Karismians, the, enter Jerusalem, 485
Karkh of Samarrah, the, station for Mu’ta-
sem’s army, 465
Karnine, island visited by Nearchus, represented
by Ash tola, 348
, a resort of the Jawasimi pirates, 348
Karroon (see Neoptana), 350
Karshi (see Nautaka), 316
Kdriin, the Pasitigris, probably the river,
, Nearchus’ fleet ascends the Pasitigris
or, 356
, former bed of the, 356
, the, crossed by Alexander on his return
to Susa, 358
—r r - river and its commerce, 601 ( .A p p e n d i x
n : )
Proper, the, probably represents the
Eulseus, 361
Karura, or Kabura, the Ortospana of Strabo,
Alexander marches to, in pursuit of Bessus,
Kashgar conquered by the Arabs, 457
Kaspatyrus, town on the Indus, 369
Kasr, the, of Babylon, its substructure and
ornaments, 615
Kataderbis, lake, a station of Nearchus’
fleet, 354
,'represented by Khdr Miisa, 354
Kattias, the, formerly the Cathaei, 331
, the origin of the, 331
Kdtul, Al Mutasem forms a camp, and builds
a palace at, 465
Kaulan, Khaulan, or Khaalan, probably
named from Havilah (see Havflah) 50,
Kayi, origination of the ’Osmànli Turks,
Kazd (see Kelani), 31, 55
Kebbdn Ma’den and the mines, 79
Kedje, or Chodda, Alexander marched from
the borders of the Oritse by, 343
Kefiyeh, the headdress of the Arab, 454
Keif, Tel, the 10,000 Greeks reach, 223
Keilun, or Sir wan (see Celonse), 364
Ke'is (see Kenn), 353
Kelishin, pass of, 296, 612
Kenn, or Keis, probably Catsea passed by
Nearchus’ fleet, 353
Keraites, Genghis Khan seeks protection
from the, 487
Kerasun Deréh-su, 235
Kerasunt, the, formerly the Cerasus, the
10,000 Greeks arrive .at, 235
Kerkiik, the city of Memnis, passed by
Alexander, 296
Kerim, Khàn of Persia, 497
Kersus, or Merkez-sui, 211
Ketura, or Tour, wife of Abraham, 70
Khàbur, the, a river of Mesopotamia, probably
the Arbonai of the book of Judith,
• , the Persians first defeated by the
Romans on the, 424
----------- , crossed by Julian’s army, near
Circesium, 434
Khadijeh, wife of Muhammed, 451
Khai, ancient mouth of the Indus, 373
Khàled Beni, or the Chaldeans, 55
-, Beni, nomad tribe of Arabia, 448
, Yezid Ibn, khaliph of Arabia, 458
Khalis canal, 612
Khan, one of the six mouths of the Bagar
branch of the Indus, 372
Kh&n of KMns, title of Genghis Khan, 488
, or Tangus, title given to the chief of
the Huns, 468
Khananea, noty Judea, 64
Kharir-su (see Bumadus), 295
Kharism subdued by Genghis KMn, 489
Kh&wah and Alishtai pasture grounds, probably
the Nissean plains, 365 «
Khazars and their commerce, 582
K’hCdiwdri, estuary of the Indus, 373
Khezail and Qualem tribes, the, have the
boats at Lamlum, 642
Khinda, Tai'mur’s war against the KMn of,
Khitan, or Khitay, original seat of the
Mongols, 468
Khiva and Tashkend, trade to, 596
Khoes, the, probably the Kama, or Kooner,
river, 319 ( n o t e )
Khojend (see Cyropolis), 313
Khor£san, the Arabs under’Othman advance
to, 455 * subjected by the Arabs, 457
-r--:- subdued by Genghis Khan, 489
subdued by Taimur, 492
• o Ta'imur’s descendants expelled from,
by the LJzbecks, 496
—— commerce of, 581
and Damascus steel, 631
Khoriaba, battle of, 456
Khorram-abad, once Diz Siyah, or Kuh
Siyah, the derivation of Cosscean, 365
, the principal seat, of the Cossceans, 365
Khorsabad, Mr. Hector’s account of the
remains found at, 136 ( n o t e )
Khuryan Muryan, or Kartan and Martan,
language of the Beni ’Ad spoken at, 50, 51
Khusi, Be’it el 50
Kiepe, or KCfken ’Adasi, formerly Port
Calpse, 239
Kimmerians, the, came from Maeotis, and
settled in Europe, 511
, the, succeeded by the Scythians, 511
Kin, province of China, invaded by Genghis
KMn, 489
Kinghan, the, or Siolki mountains, a part of
the Paropamisian chain, 309
Kinnisrin retaken from the Crusaders by
Nur-ed-dih, 476
Kiptshak, names of princes who ruled over
the, 490
, and the dynasty of the White Horde,
, defeat of the Khan of the Golden
Horde, and subjection by Russia of the
kingdom of the, 491 * , Tai'mur’s campaign against the, 493
the, defeated by Taimur, 494
Kiptshaks, the, or Tartars, from Oghuz
KMn, the descendant of Japhet, 469
----- , the, conquered by Genghis KMn, 488 • , or Kaptshak, territory conquered by
Batu, 490
Crimea, or the Golden Camp, the seat
of government of the, 490
Kir, the Israelites carried captive to, by the
Assyrians, 139