Greeks (the Ten Thousand) halt opposite
Csense, 222
at the Zab lose their principal leaders
by treachery, 222
destroy their unnecessary baggage, 222
cross the river Zabatus, and reach
Larissa, 222
reach Mespila and Tel Keif, 223
force the heights and, reach a village,
probably Zakhu, 223, 224
forced march to elude the Persians,
turn the heights and reach the Tigris,
, critical position of, 225
, they make a flank movement, and
change their line of march, 225
reach the Centrites and Teleboas, 226-
break their treaty with Teribazus, 228
cross the Euphrates or Murad CMi,
difficulties, and privations in their
march, 228-230
pass the river Phasis, 229, 230
-M— march through the countries of the
Taochians and Chalybeans, 230, 231
-L—_ cross the Harpasus, and march through
the Scythian territory, 231, 232
advance to Gymnias, and Mount
Theches, 232
march along the valleys of Damoulee,
Godol, and Gumish Khanah, and defeat
the Colchians, 234
suffer from eating honey, 234
-—— halt at Tarabuzun, and embark the
aged, 235
defeat the Drill®, and march to
Cerasus, where prize-money is distributed,
march through the Moschian and Chalybean
territories, 236, 237
— - inhospitality of the Cotyorians to, 237
■, voyage of, from Cotyora to Heraclea,
237, 238
, defeat of the Persians and Bithynians
by, 240
—— proceed to Chrysopolis and Byzantium,
assist Seuthes, and take service under
the Lacedaemonians, 241
. cross the Dardanelles and campaign in
Mysia, 241, 242
capture the wife and family of Asidates,
----- , Xenophon resigns the command of, 242
, military organization and tactics of,
, campaigns against Pharnabazus and
Tissaphernes of, 245, 246
defeat the Persians at Coronea, 246
Greeks, the, had the same common origin as
the Macedonians, 253
, refugees in the pay of Darius suspected,
269, 270
— send deputies to Alexander at Tyre,
Greeks, the, khaliph A1 Mutawakkel’s war
against, 466
• defeated by the Seljukides under Alp
Arslan, 470
, their territory divided among the
princes of the Crusaders, 484
empire of, overthrown in the reign
of Miihammed II. over Turkey, 499
, rebel against Turkey, 504
serving on both siaes of contending
armies, 540
trade with Central Asia in the time of
the Argonauts, 573
acquainted with Britain, 575
Gregory VII. supports the Crusades, 474
Groined arches without cement, 626
Guebres, the principal factors of Persia,
Guish, Arab cement, 326
Giimish Khimah valley, and march of the
10,000 along it, 234
Gunpowder, &c., knowledge of, possessed by
the Chinese Cushites, 34
— , early use of by the Turks, 500 .
Gunthanians descended from Canaanidas, 106
Gurun, town and district of, 13
Gushtasp of the Persians, Darius Hystaspes,
Guzseus, or Euaspla (the Lundye), river,
crossed by Alexander, 320
Gwadel, Eds, near the haven of Kophanta
of Nearchus, 349
Gwutter Bay, visited by Nearchus, 349
Gymnias city, and the 10,000 Greeks, 232
, probably Gemeri, 232
Gymnosophists, or Brahmins, of India, 508
Gyndes river, drained by Cyrus, 164
Habash, Habache, or Ethiopia, 47
Habashi, the Hamites in Africa, 47
, the Ethiopic of, a Shemitic language,
Hadoram or Jurham, brother of Ya’rab ben
Kahtan, and ruler of the Hijaz, 51
Hadhr, El, probably Atra (see Atra), 421
Hadramaut, and remains of the Amalekites,
possessed by the Hamites, 44
, exports of, 49
.. tomb, of Kahtan and his father in, 51
, probably the territory of Hazarmaveth,
I Hafar canal, by which part of Alexander’s
fleet passed into the Tigris, 361
Haggai the prophet, and rebuilding of the
temple, 177
Hagar and her son Ishmael expelled, 70
Hagarenes, descended from Hagar, 70
afterwards called Saracens, 76
——, or Saracens, expedition of Trajan
against the, 420
Hai, Eumenes encamps near the, 382, 383
H&i, Shatt el, canal of the, 612
Haider-dbad, the apex of the Delta of the
Indus, 374
, present mode of conveying troops to,
Haïder-dMd, bund of, 614
Haiganians (see Armenians), 133
Hai'k or Ha'icus, representative of Japhet’s
line, 38
, father of the Armenians, 38
, account of the migrations of, 38
, his followers commingle with those of
Ham, 38
leaves his son Cadmus at Ararat, 39
reaches the plain kof Hare, and builds
Haicashen, 39
• , battle of, with Ninus or Belus II. at
Lake Vân, 40
, assumes the sovereignty of Armenia,
and death of, 40
succeeded by his son Armenac, 40
, the original country of, was Armenia,
Major, 43
Haïkanians (see Armenians), 41, 133
Haines, Captain, I. N., and inscriptions, 82
Haïts-d-sor (see Hare), country of, 39
Haj&mari, or Siyahan, estuary of the Indus,
course, &c., of the, 372, 373
Hajar, Nakb-el, and Himyari inscriptions, 82
•— \ ----- , inscriptions found at, 83
Hajr E l, the country of the lost tribe of
Thamud, 22
Halegün, the pass taken from the Uxii by
Alexander, 299
Halicarnassus, now Boudron, besieged and
taken by Alexander, 266-269;
, the birthplace of Herodotus, 528
Halys or Kizil Irmak, the 10,000 Greeks
sail past, 237
Ham, remains near Mount Ararat, 13
, idolatry of, 16, 19
y first possessions of, descendants, &c.,
, or Manes, the son of Jupiter, founds
the Lydian monarchy {note), 18
, the Cainite wife of, 19
, his knowledge of astronomy before
the flood, 19
called the Patriarch of the Deluge, 20
, the origin of the worship of the moon
ascribed to, 20
, also called Cronus, and worshipped
by the Phoenicians as Beelsamen, or Lord
of Heaven, 20
, the migration of the children of, 21
, the tribes of Emim, Zuzim, Rephaim,
and Zamzummim were descended from,
, principal branch of descendants of, 23
—— eleven generations from Adam to, 23,
— territory of the sons of, about the time
of the dispersion, 23
, descendants of, spread to Syria,
Khuzistan, Media, Persia, and Central
Asia, 32
» knowledge of, introduced into India,
China, and Tibet, 33, 34
, his son Phut supposed to be Budd, 33
— , commixture of the sons of Japhet with
those of, 35, 38, 39, 43
Ham, the sons of, proceed to Africa, 45
Indian account of the curse of, 45
, the territory of, called Cusha-dwipa,
,the descendants of, the African negroes
or Sukkims of Scripture, 46
, traces of the descendants of, found in
Arabia, 50, 52
Hamadán (the Median Ecbatana), reached
by Alexander s army, 365
■pirewfej, Hephaestion dies at, 365
taken by the Arabs under ’Othmán, 455
I a commercial city, 581
, inscription at, relating to Darius
Hystaspes {Appendix JB. and D.)
-— , inscription at, relating to Xerxes {Appendix
Hamath, Solomon built the store cities of,
Hamburgh a commercial city, 586
Hamilcon’s voyage to Britain, 190
Hanno’s exploratory expedition to the west
coast of Africa, 190
Hanse Towns become commercial, 586
Háran, called after Arphaxad’s son, 31
, and Zobah (Nisibis) formed the Chaldean
kingdom of U’r, 48
Abraham’s departure for, 62, 63
, Sureña’s victory over Crassus probably
near, 412
, march of Julian’s army through the
plain of, 434
Harb, nomad tribe of Arabia, 448
Hare, plain of, 39
, afterwards called Haits-d-sor, 39
, city of, 40
Harem fortress taken by Niir-ed-din from
the Crusaders, 476
Hareth-al-Raish, the Himyarite, and his
conquests, 80
Haripa, the ruins of, supposed to represent
Sakala, 331
Harirad, or mountain of descent, 7
Harma, son and successor of Gelam, 42
— fortified Armavir, 42
defeats the Madai and Babylonians,
Harmene or Armene, the 10,000 Greeks land
at, 237
Harmozia, visited by Nearchus, 351 ,
Harpasus, or Tchórúk-sú, or Acampsis, 231
Hartmot, abbot of St. Gallen, encourages
the study of Arabic, 548
Háriín-el-Rashíd, conquests, &c., of, 459
, the pilgrimage to Mekkah on foot of,
establishes a friendly and literary intercourse
with Charlemagne and other
European princes, 459
presented Charlemagne with the keys
of Jerusalem, 473
• receives ambassadors from Charlemagne,
Hasawin river, the, running into the Paila-
copas, 367
Hasyasilas, also Hasyas and Habashi, Ham’s
descendants, 46
3 c 2