Diy&r Bekr opposes Taimiir, and is plundered,
, trade of, 589, 595
, proposed trade, 601 ( .A p p e n d i x N . )
Dizful, caves at, 607
Djani, or Chaldeans of Colchis, afterwards
Chamitce, 35
Djenasdan, or China, 33
Djerash discovered by Seetzen, 81
Dohak, father of Seljuk, establishes the
Seljukian dynasty, 469
Domas, Nearchus reaches the island of, 346
Dorats, of the book of Judith, the land of
dates, 151
Doriscus, plain of, Xerxes numbers his army
on the, 193
Drangse, or Zarangsei, route of Alexander
against the, 306
Drepano, Cape, formerly the Ampel® promontory,
Drepsa, or Drapsaca, probably Inderab, 319
, Alexander marches from Zariaspa by,
Drill®, excursions made by the 10,000
Greeks against the, 235
Druids, the, probably Arkites, 15
, primeval structures, and system of
religion of the, 14, 15
■ and Celts, 513
Drypetis, the daughter of Darius, murdered
by Roxana, 380
Duan, probably Sidodone, a station of
Nearchus’ fleet, 352
Dub’hu, one of the six mouths of the Bagar
branch of the Indus, 372
Dues heavily exacted in Mosul, 595, (and
A p p e n d i x E . )
Dujeil canal, 611
Dundi, a boat used on the Indus, 375
Dura, besieged by Molo, is relieved by An-
tiochus the Great, 403
, near Zaitha, and monument erected to
Gordian at, 424, 435
, Julian’s army reaches, 435
, the Romans under Jovian reach, 440
ceded by treaty to the Romans, 443
— , Chosroes I. defeated by Justinian
near, 444
, plains of, the remains there, 604, 631
Durus river (probably the Diyalah), Julian’s
army reaches, 439
Duties on goods first levied in England,
588 ■ '
, Alexander marches to quell a revolt
at, 323
Easterlings, the Moors and other Arabs so
called, 456
Eastern governments, nature of, 201
------------based on feudalism, 243
East Indies, trade with, by sea, 589
India Company, established for trade
by sea, 591
-—- India Company’s factories, removal of
the, 592
Ecbatana fortified by Phraortes, 146
---- , description of the Median, 147
Ecbatana, or Shiz, represented by the ruins
of Takhti Soleimdn, 147
, the summer residence of Cyrus the
Great, 172
, and Cyrus’s decree for rebuilding the
Temple of Jerusalem, 177
, Darius proceeds to, 295, 296
is taken by Alexander, 302
, Bessus put to death at, 315
, the Median Hamaddn, visited by
Alexander, 365
, Hephaestion dies at, 365
Eckhung-choo, or Singzing-kampa, names
of the Indus, 369
Eclipses understood by the Chaldeans, 57
registered in Babylonia, 57
Eden, land of, and rivers, 2
Edessa, Valerian defeated and taken prisoner
at, 424
, Sapor retreats from, 426
, captured by the Persians under Chosroes
II., 445
taken by Ta'imur, 493
Edgar (king), first encourages trade in England,
Edom, dukes of, 76
Edomites, &c., afterwards named Saracens,
Edrisi’s work on geography, 534
Edward’s, Prince, campaign in Palestine, 486
Edward III. establishes the Merchants'
Company, 588
Egg or tanka boat of China, 648
Egypt, Mizraim, or iEgyptus, the first to
settle in, 45
Osiris led a colony from Ethiopia into,
-, the earliest seat of civilization in
Africa, 47
| p i | t architecture introduced from Assyria
into, 48
architecture carried into Greece, from,
, arithmetic, &c., imparted to, by Abraham,
, social and religious state of, in
Joseph’s time, 71, 72
, caravan trade of, 72, 92, 569
, government of, when Jacob settled in
the country, 72
, its early civilization and knowledge
derived from the first people, 72
, the shepherd race in, 72, 73
, expulsion of the shepherds from, 74,
, departure of the shepherds and Israelites
from, 75
, receives successive colonies from
Arabia and Syria, 87, 88
—■ ■, commerce of, maintained principally
by land, 88
- ■■ •, architecture, sculpture, &c., of, 88
, dyeing and manufactures of, 88, 89
and three different written characters,
in use, ( n o t e , ) 88
—— , warlike implements and household
utensils of, 89
Egypt, pictorial history of the pyramids in,
, her early intercourse with Arabia,
90, 91
advanced rapidly after the expulsion
of the shepherds, 96
, state of the Israelites in, 97
, departure of the Israelites from, 97
under Sesostris, 107
a united kingdom under the Diospolitan
kings, 108, 109
, intercourse between Colchis and, 109
, Armenia, a dependency of, 109, 110
, subdivision of, by Sesostris, into thirty
inferior kingdoms, 110
, religion and philosophy carried into
Greece from, 112, 113
, the Cadmonites in Bceotia, probably a
colony from, 112, 113
, Judea invaded by Shishak, king of,
132 , Sennacherib’s threatened invasion of,
142, 143
, Psammeticus promotes the commerce
of, 153
, Pharaoh Necho’s reign over, 153,154,
, invaded and spoiled by Nebuchadnezzar,
, Cambyses invades and subdues, 173,
174 rebels previous to Darius’s death, 188
■ recovered by Xerxes, 191
, Achæmenes governor of, 191
revolts under Inarus, 200
again reduced by Megabyzus, 200
revolts during the reign of Darius
Nothus, and is again subdued, 200
rebels towards the close of Artaxerxes’
reign, 249
, Alexander marches to Pelusium in,283
, Alexander consolidates the government
of, 284
, sages from the west sought instruction
in, -310, 515-517
, Ptolemy, after Alexander’s death,
retains the government of, 380, 381
, Ptolemy repulses Antigonus’ invasion
of, 393
, Ptolemy II. extends the commercial
relations of, 399, 400
, Ptolemy Euergetes encourages learning
in, 402
, Tigranes’ campaign in, 406
, subjected by Zenobia queen of Palmyra,
subdued by Chosroes II., 445
invaded by Al Mámún, 460
retaken from the Crusaders, 476
, termination of the Fatimite dynasty in,
invaded by the Crusaders, 484
, sultán of, defeated by Taïmûr, 495
invaded by Napoleon, 503
anciently supposed to have been connected
with Scythia, 511
, Grecian mythology derived from, 516
Egypt, doctrines of, similar to the Hindu,
-, astronomy reduced to a system in,
study of mechanics, geometry, botany,
and medicine in, 530, 531
, Napoleon’s plans for the improvement
of, 535, 536
———, Denon’s great work on, 536
, well situated for trade, 569
——, its early trade with Asia, Arabia, and
Africa, 569
, trade through, to India, 588
Egyptian knowledge less advanced than that
of Babylonia, 65
——■ architecture carried to Greece, 72
astronomy, state of, 110
army under Tirhakah, sent to assist
the Jews against the Assyrians, 1*12
account of the destruction of Sennacherib’s
army, 143
race, from Shinar, 506
and Indian monuments denote a common
origin, 506, 509 ■ ---- knowledge derived from Asia, 515
method of imparting instruction, 529
commerce in the reigns of Sesostris and
Psammeticus, 569
trade with distant countries, 573
, fleets in the Red Sea and Mediterranean,
Egyptians, early trade of the, 579
——, encourage trade with Palestine and
other countries, 579
Elanetic gulf, the, and settlement of the sons
of Keturah on it, 70
Elam, territory of, possessed by the descendants
of, 31
Elburz, one of the names of the Paropa-
misus, 308
El Buttauf, port of the Crusaders, 479
Elephant, and war of the, 450
Elephanta, Ellora, and Ajunta, caves of,
probably of Assyrian origin, 612
Elephants sent to Charlemagne, 459
Elibus is defeated, and carried captive into
Assyria, 141
Elihu connected with Job’s history, and probably
of the family of Buz, 79
Elizabeth, Queen, keeps a fleet of boats at
Bir, 593
grants a charter to the Levant Company,
establishes consuls in the east, 591
El Wathel establishes a cartel with the
Christians for an exchange of prisoners,
succeeded by Mutawakkel, 466
Embroidered stuffs of the Arabs, trade in,
Emessa (Horns), Zenobia’s forces defeated by
Aurelian at, 427
■ ■ visited by Julian, 433
Emessa taken by Ta'imur, 495
Emim-Zuzim, &c., 21
Emims expelled by the Moabites from the
river Arnom, 69