lessening t/1. ■'• c#' ho Armenian winter, by clearing
away the - ;ri weir Wvoaae, they suffered in the. mos^st
deplorahk ? ^ , and rutfiiy more must have perished, badcii
not -b»«# i$s- Al*®o.pb»ri, who, by his authority and encouraging Ed
dSNgskedtfe Persians, and subsequently succeeded mxe
joining '«k coadjutor Cheirisophus.” As at present, the Armenian
villages generally consisted of subterraneous apartments,
which being entered either by a sloping descent, or by
means of a ladder from an aperture resembling the mouth of a
well, they were found to contain horses, cows, goats, sheep, and A*
fowls, in addition to one or two fern dies, who resorted to this da
protection from the severity of the winter, with an ample stock
of provisions and huMerd the ikiils of their « » 6 ^
assertion that they scrr ass t - 'k* .'i. .
eight days in these villages, «nim'i.ts,
iamb, kid, pork, and veal, with plenty of wtreated hreaa, hm
harlev-wine (beer), which the people drank out of jars by
means of reeds \* they proceeded throe days through a deserted
country, and in seven other marches, performed without a
rmide,5 they found themselves on the river Phasis, where it is a
¡slethron wide.
Agreeably to the intention of fording the great ? ( ? • towards n
iir sources,6 the Greeks w o u l d necess^rfe- gt§ -, ' trout the
k io i i in. a-, north-eastern direcfcHui few#;#:' r.; >v,sry i^$u;nta.i;Dr
5 t r a e t Ü É H | | lb.- l i f e i # tïâê i could not
»©been the case l i p f i *, .ached- Sy>* rtorth latitude,
somewhere about seveiuv lïrtks yrvtn -tm. Iyara-su, which,
,-iider existing circumstances, would require the seven i
M:n by Xenophon.1 a '
From hence, in a north-western direction to a pom
un river A r a s or Phasis8 of Xenophon is generally fc
: Sic. lib. X IV . cap. x. Anabasis, lib.
' ' *%blÇ IlS ï 4 Ibid , cap, vl.
* After conducting the"army for three 'days*,. IÉe il ^
of tlvK’ ijl usas?© ho experience*-! from Gneirisophus. JLoWw», w» I » •
9 Âinfeaaisi lib, IV ., cap. i. 7 See Index Map.
8 Siri. posed to b# from the .plain or district of Pasiani or PoSin,
ï '.•aver; ; by the Arae ùt this part o f its course. See I)’Auville's AM
vol. I;, p. m i 9 Mr. BrafctV Map, vol. V I,,