Ammonites, explanation of their origin,
€8, 69
expelled the Zamzummims from Rabbah,
defeated by the Israelites, 104
Àmorites (Ait Amor), the Berbers descended
from the, 456
Amorium, Theophilus defeated by the Arabs
at, 463 '
Amosis, the Pharaoh who oppressed the Israelites,
Ampelæ, promontory, now Cape Drepano,
Amphictyons, Philip elected general of the,
Amru, Jasasin Ibn, a Himyarite, 84
——- , monument with Himyarite inscription
erected in Africa by, 84
Amrü Ben As, 'Omar’s lieutenant, destroys
the library of Alexandria, 455
Anabasis and its influence, 529> 533
Anadoli and its trade, 594
’A'nah, proposed place of trade, 602
Anamis, Near chus’ fleet reach the mouth of
the river, 350
’Anatelbus, formerly Thelutha, island fort
on the Euphrates, 436 and n o t e
Anatho (the Phathusæ of Zosimus) invested
by Julian, 435
, Julian encounters a hurricane near,
Anaxibius takes the invalids of the army of
the 10,000 to "Greece by sea, 235
deceives the Greeks at Byzantium,
Anbar, or Firuz Sapor, and Tell ’Akhar,
Anchialus, town founded by Sardanapalus,
.■ ■■—, taken by Alexander, 269
Ancient remains with mounds and excavations,
inscriptions of Sesostris, &c., 628
Ancyra and Tyana submit to Aurelian, 427
taken from the Romans by A1 Mu’tasem,
Andaka surrenders to Alexander, 320
Andalusia, learned men of, 552
Angar, or Angam island, visited by Near-
chus, 352
Anglo-Saxon boats, 641
Angora, Taïmur captures Bajazet near, 495
, capabilities and commerce of, 602,
Anizéh, tribe of nomad Arabs, 448
Anjou, Charles of, encourages learning, 563
Ansar, or Jomid, the stations of the Muslim
troops, 464
Antediluvian knowledge, 8--11, 20
idolatry renewed by Ham, 15, 16
Anthemusia, supposed site of, 612
Antigonus retains the government of Su-
siana, 381
receives the command of the household
troops from Antipater, 382
defeats Eumenes, and follows him into
Phoenicia, 382
Antigonus advances into Babylonia and
crosses the Tigris, 383
crosses the Coprates, and is defeated by
Eumenes, 384
retreats into Media through the Cossasan
Mountains, 384
outmarched and defeated by Eumenes,
and winters in Media, 386
——■ fails in taking Eumenes by surprise,
arranges the different governments,
proceeds to Susa, and obtains the treasure,
puts Eumenes to death, 388
marches towards Babylon, 389
prepares to meet Seleucus, 389
——, his conquests in Asia Minor, Greece,
&c., 389-391
sends two expeditions against the Nabatheans,
390, 391
•'-rf-i - recalls Demetrius from Babylon, 391
• - puts Cleopatra to death, 392
, his successes in Greece and Cyprus,
and Demetrius assume regal titles, 392
, his expedition by sea and land against
Egypt, 392, 393
is repulsed by Ptolemy, 393
sends Demetrius against the Rhodians,
but fails, 393-395
— — loses Phrygia, Lydia, &c., 397
is defeated by Seleucus at Ipsus, and
slain, 397
Antioch built by Seleucus, 399
captured by the Persians under Sapor,
recovered by Gordian and retaken by
Sapor, 423, 424
again taken by Sapor, 425
Julian’s preparations at, 433
besieged and taken by Chosroes I., 443
—■— defeat of the Romans by Chosroes II.
at, 445
—— burnt by A1 Mu’tasem, 462
taken by the Greeks, 466
taken from the Christians by Tatash,
taken by the crusaders under Bohemund,
Antiochia Margiana built by Alexander, and
named Alexandria, 317
----- of Mygdonia (Nisibin), Antiochus the
Great winters at, 403
Antiochus, son of Seleucus, 397
Seleucus resigns his queen to his son,
extent of his dominions, 399
loses a portion of his territories to
Ptolemy Philadelphus, 400
the Great succeeds Seleucus Ceraunns,
crosses the Euphrates and Tigris, 403
defeated at Raphia by Ptolemy, 403
subdues Bactria, Parthia, &c., 403,404
— • his annual tribute to the Romans, 404
succeeded by Seleucus Philopater, 404
Antipater chosen protector after the murder
of Perdiccas, 381
Antony invades Parthia, 413
, his circuitous route towards Praaspa,
■, his retreat, 414
Aomi, a city of Bactria, taken by Alexander,
Aornos, the rock of, invested by Alexander,
, taken by Alexander, 322, 323
Apamea Cibotis, position of, 205
-■■——, on the Orontes, built by Seleucus, 399
plundered by the Persians, 443
captured by Chosroes II., 445
Apcheron, naphtha found at, 625
Apollonius Perga, 549
Apollophanes neglects to furnish supplies to
Alexander’s army, 343
Aporateeion of Josephus, 40
Apostacy of the old world, 3
Apostani, probably the Bay of Congoon, a
station of Nearchus’ fleet, 353
Apronadius, king of Babylon, 145
Aqueducts, ancient, on the Euphrates, 656
Ar, a city of the Moabites, 69
Arab Mostearibe, El, descended from Ish-
mael and his twelve sons, 70 ’
intermixed with the earlier inhabitants
of Arabia, 70
’Arabah, W adi El, retreat of the Israelites
along, 104
. — , or Hormarah, probably Bagasira,
a station of Nearchus’s fleet, 347
Arabia, Western, possessed by two Shemitic
tribes, 48
, occupied by Kahtan and his followers,
49, 50
Happy, occupied by the Himyarites
and Kahtanites, 50
—, limits of, 50'
■------------ , descendants remaining in, 50
——------, caravan trade of, 570
— , expedition into, by ZElius Gallus,
414, 415
——, rise of, 447, 448
, position, extent, superficies, &c., of,
, the tribes of, 448,449
Arabia, Ishmael’s territory in, 70
, Ishmael’s name preserved among some
of the earlier tribes of, 70
, intermixture of Esau’s family with the
Amorites and other Cushite tribes of, 76
— — Nabatheans, or nomad races of Upper,
, the Nabatheans, Hagarenes, Saracens,
&c., of, 76
, mingled people of, from whom descended,
, the dukes of Edom, and sheiks of, 76
, intercourse between the Shemites of
Mesopotamia and, 77
-----, state of, under the Tobb&i, 79, 80
— , TobMi inscriptions found in, 81, 82
, period of the highest civilization in,
Arabia, the square Chaldaic letters of, from
the same origin as those of India and
Phoenicia, 86
, successive colonies to Egypt from,
87, 88
, Himyaritic character in use in the
time of Joseph in, 91
, state of civilisation in, at the Exodus of
the Israelites, 100
, the Himyarites of, the same people as
the African Sabseans, 123
, caravan routes through, 124
, march of Cambyses across, 173
, the circumnavigation and subjection of,
contemplated by Alexander, 366
, partly surveyed by two of Alexander's
admirals, 366, 367
trade of, with India, 577, 578
i pirates and mariners, 578
vessels of, on the coast of Mekkran, 579
Petrsea subjected by Trajan, 418
declared a Roman province by Trajan,
Arabian polity the basis of Moses’ government,
100, 101
system of government, 101, 102
, Syro-, a Semitic race, 509
commerce extended to distant countries,
exports of pearls, carpets, cotton, &c.,
imports from China and other countries,
colonies on the coast of India, 579
learning, &c., 467
and Persian Gulfs, trade with India,
lippi, architecture, sculpture, &c., 604
Arabians and Abyssinians, probably the
same people, 46, 47
-------------- resemble the Armenians and
Syrians, 52
Arabic, the Hebrew language derived from,
, a Shemitic language, 84
Chaldee, derived from the Arabic of
the Canaanites, 85
, common origin of, with other eastern
languages, 86
works collected, 549
works in European libraries, 551
rhymes, 552
numerals, 555, 564
medicine introduced into Italy, 558
philosophy encouraged by Frederic II.,
sciences studied by Daniel Morley, 561
language acquired by Frederick II.,
Arabitse, the, fly before Alexander, 343
, separated from the Aritae by the river
Arabius, 346
Arabius river, situation of the, 342, 346
----------- , reached by Nearchus* fleet, 346
Arabs, the, their dress, arms, customs, &c.,
, Baghdad built as the capital of the, 458