Macronians, their treaty with the 10,000 <
Greeks, 233
Madai, a section of Japhet’s descendants,
defeated by Aram, 42
Madates, the Uxian, opposed Alexander, 299
Mader-i-Soleímán, tomb of Cyrus visited by
Alexander, 358
Maeander, the, crossed by Cyrus on a bridge
of boats, 205
Magi, the origin of the, 33
, the, slaughtered by the Scythians at
Bálkh, 183
, religious tenets of, 183, 184 • , the, spread eastward, and from them
came the Brahmins of India, 508
Magian fire, and that in the temple of Jerusalem,
Magism makes progress in Greece, 527
Magog, the progenitor of the Scythians, 44
Magnesia, and loss of Xerxes’ fleet, 194
Mahee Makace, probably Kokala, 347
Mahmud Ghizni, conquests of, 469
defeated by Togrul Be'i, 470
and the Seljukian territory divided,
II. of Turkey, and the Russian invasion,
l territory ceded to Russia, and changes
adopted by, 503, 504
Mah-Sabadán, modern name of the plain of
Arioch, 147 ( n o t e )
Majorca conquered by the Arabs, 457
Makri, once Telmissus, 267
Máktúah Shatt el (cut river), by which
Nearchus’ fleet reached Susa, 357
j once connected the rivers Kerkhah
and Káriín, 357
Malacca, coast of, probably represents
Ophir, 126
.----- , distances, and time required for the
voyage, 126, 127
Malana or Hormárah (Rás Malm), the
western limits of the Oritae, 347
, reached by Nearchus’ fleet, 347
Malatiyah, specimens of the arts in the time
of Semiramis found near, 115, 629
. \ burnt by Chosroes I., 444
• Malazkerd, battle gained by Alp Arslan
near, 470
Malik, Abd-el, conquests of, 457
.-----. Sháh, son and successor of Alp Arslan,
t separation of the empire on the death
of, 473 l i l j B H
Malká, Nahr, canal attributed to Nebuchadnezzar,
___— the, crossed by the 10,000 Greeks,
the, commenced by Trajan, 419
I why abandoned by Trajan, 420
, Severus’ fleet passes from the
Euphrates into the Tigris, by the, 421
_____ . Julian’s fleet passes by the, into
the Tigris, 438
the, canal, 612
Malana or Hormárah, Rás Malm, 347
Mall, one of the six mouths of the Indus, 372
Malli, and Alexander’s march against the,
■----- , remains of the race at Multan, 335
, Alexander’s campaign against the,
, the, submit to Alexander, 338, 341
Mallithan, or Multan, 335
Mallus (see Misis), 211
Malothas, iElius Gallus at, 415
Mamre, plains of, chosen by Abraham, 65
Màmun, Al, second son of Hàrùn-el-Rashid,
portion of the empire allotted to, 459
succeeds his brother Amin, 460
encourages literature and philosphy,
, his liberality to his physician, 462
succeeded by Al Mu’tasem, 462
, fails to reconcile the Sunnies and
Shi’ahs, 464
employed Turks in his army, 464
, encourages Arabic literature, 550
Manas Sorowar lake, or Mepang, 369
Manasseh carried captive-to Babylon, 146
Manavaz, brother of Armenac, and the
Manavazerans, 41
Manawiyah and remains of a canal, probably
that cut by Alexander, 368
Mandrocles prepares a bridge of boats for
Darius to cross the Bosphorus, 181
Manes, son of Jupiter, supposed to be Jupiter
Ammon, or Ham, founds the Lydian
monarchy, 19 ( n o t e )
, or Menes, possibly Noah, 114, 115
Mangalore, Muziris, port of, 576
Manija, branch and. estuary of the Indus,
Manikjala, or Taxila, 324
Manister Grange, (near Limerick), the
primeval structures at, 15
Mankat and Himyari inscriptions, 81
Mansourah, defeat of the Crusaders at, 485
Mansur’s, Ibn, work on precious stones,
Mantinea, battle of, 248
Manufactures, British, sought in Western
Asia, 673-704
Maozar Malkà, town on the Nahr Malka,
taken by Julian, 438
Marah, ’Ain, and the route of the Israelites,
Maracanda, or Samarkand, capital of Sog-
diana, 312, 314
Marant, òr Maranta, tombs of Noah and his
wife at, 40, 41
Mar’ash, the third Armenia, comprised the
present pàshàlik of, 43
— - , and Napoleon’s proposed expedition
against India, 536
Marathon, defeat of Darius’ army at, 187,
188 . . .
Marathus, or Mariamé, a Phoenician port m
the government of Aradus, 276
Marco Polo travels to India, 533, 534, 587
Mardi, the, subdued by Alexander, 302-305
, territory of the, added to the satrapy
of the Tapuri, 305
Màrdin submits to Tai'mur, 494
Mârdin, proposed place of trade, 594, 601
( A p p e n d i x N . )
Mardonius sent with a fleet to subdue
Greece, result of the expedition of, 186,
1—— left in Thessaly by Xerxes to complete
the war, 196 ■ killed at the battle of Platæa, 196
Mâreb, Mariaba (see Meroë), 47-50 ■ the ancient Sabâ, called Ard-es-Sabâ,
inscriptions found at, and bund at, 83
, probably the Marsyaba of Ælius
Gallus, 415
, the Sabean city, a great mercantile
dépôt, 124, 570
Maree village, on the Indus, 369
Margastana, near Derah, island of, met by
Nearchus, 354 ■ ----- , Antiochia built in by Alexander, 317
Marseilles receives tin from Britain, 576
Marsyaba, also Marsabâ, probably Mâreb,
or Saba, taken by the Romans, 415
Martel, Charles, defeats the Moors in France,
Martyropolis (Myafarekiu) submits to the
Romans, 444
Masca, river, reached by Cyrus, 214
Masis and Mesezousar, or mountain of the
Ark, 7
, district around Ararat called “ foot
of Masis,” 41, 42
Masula, name of the Paropamisus, 308
Massabatice, of Strabo, the plain of Arioch,
&c., 147 ( n o t e )
Massagetæ, Cyrus the Great slain when
fighting against the, 173 • -----, the, invade the Persian territory in
the time of Sapor II., 432
, trade with the, 573
Materials for writing of various kinds, 630
Mattaniah (see Zedekiah), 157
Mauri, or Moors, 456
expedition of the, against Spain, 457
Maurausa, Manausa, or Macauga, battle at,
between the Romans and Persians, 439
Mâ-werâ-1-nahr, or Sogdiana, 312
conquered by the Arabs, 457-467
Mazaca, city built by Meshak, 43
, afterwards Cæsarea, or Gaysarey, 43
, probably represents Molopus,150 ( n o t e )
Mazæus, a general of Darius at Arbela, 288,
292-294 -•---- delivers up Babylon to Alexander,
296 -•----- appointed satrap of Babylon by Alexander,
Mazaga, or Masoga, people of, defeated by
Alexander, and treacherously treated by
him, 321
Mâzanderân, once Hyrcania, 305
subjected by Taïmür, 492
Mazanes, governor of Oaracta, 352
Mazigh and Moorish dialect, 456
Mechanics and geometry derived from the
east, 530
Medes, the, descended from Japhet, 38
, the, occupy part of Cappadocia, 43
Media only a satrapy of Assyria, 135, 141 • , Dejoces raised to the throne of, 146
, rebellion, defeat, and death of Phraortes,
the successor of Dejoces, 146-148
-----• again revolts on the death of Nabuchodonosor,
151, 152
, the Scythian inroad into, 152
recovered by Cyaxares, 152
and Persia become the Medo-Persian
empire under Cyrus, 172
, Alexander’s route to, from Susa,
364, 365
, route of Antigonus, retreating from
Babylonia through, 385
, Antony’s harassing retreat through,
ravaged by the Persians under Artaxerxes,
Median and Assyrian dynasties, according
to Ctesias, 135
——, historical difficulties of the, 135
wall, the, reached by the ten thousand
Greeks, 220
, discussions regarding the, 220 ( n o t e )
Medical theories of Galen, Hippocrates, and
the Chinese, &c., 531, 532
Medici, Lorenzo di, encourages eastern
literature, 565
Medicine, Dioscorides’ knowledge of, 531
introduced from Arabia into Spain by
Constantinus, 558
Medina, settlement of Jews at, 449
Mediterranean, formation of the basin of
the, 512
Megabyzus, a general of Darius, 181
during the reign of Artaxerxes, sent
against Egypt, 200
Megia, Julian's army at, 436
Megiddo, defeat of Josiah by Pharoah
Necho at, 155
Me'idàn Alie bank met by Nearchus, 355
Mekkah, the, caravan, partly passes over
the route of the Israelites, 104, 105
- and war of the elephant, 450
, pilgrimage to, by Hàrùn-el-Rashid, 459
commerce of, 581
Melangena (now Karà, Hisàr), captured by
’Osman, 498
Melchizedek’s early settlement at Salem, 17 • , the great high priest at Salem, and
ruler of the Shemites considered as Shem,
27, 66
Memnis, or Kerkuk, and Alexander’s march,
Memnon served at the siege of Troy, 119
r— r - f general of Darius Codomanus, 263
, his command under Darius, 265
defends Halicarnassus against Alexander,
265, 266 -•---- retreats to Cos, 266
——, his project to cut off Alexander, 268 -•---- dies before Mitylene, and is succeeded
by Pharnabazus, 268 • , Barsine, the widow of, andAlexander’s
son, murdered by Polysperchon, 391
Memnonia at Thebes erected by Amenophis,