Hungarians, the, settle in Europe, 514
Huns, descendants from the Cushites, 32
, origin and extension of the, 468
----- , Tartar branch of the, called Mongols,
, the, settle in Europe, 514
Hurrekee, junction of the Hyphasis "with
the Sutlej at, 370
------------ , with the Chin-áb near, 370
Husein, chief of Khorásán, defeated by
Taimur, 492
Hydaspes, the, erroneously called Hedypnus
by Herodotus, 147
, the, the Bidaspes of Ptolemy, 324
.-----, Alexander crosses the, 325-327
.---- , Alexander returns from the Hyphasis
to the, 334
——, fleet prepared by Alexander on the,
, source, course, and tributaries of the,
370, 371
+, the, the present Jailum, or Behut, 370
Hydraotes, the fleet of Alexander descends
the Akesines to the confluence of these
two rivers, 335
---- , source and course of the, 371
, or Hyarotes (the modern Iraotú,
Irávatí, or Ravi), 330,371
Hyksos, people of the, 73, 74
, the, probable time of their inroad into
Egypt, &c., 74
, Manetho’s account of the, 74, 75
Hyparna taken by Alexander, 266
Hyphasis, course of the, 370
——, the, of Alexander, represented by the
Beas, 370
——, junction of the Chin-áb with the, 370
Hyrcania, now ^ázanderán, 305
, Alexander’s invasion of, 305
Hystaspes, .Xerxes’ second son, satrap of
Bactriana, 198
defeated by his younger brother Artaxerxes,
Iberia an important Phoenician colony, 96
Iberians, the, descended from Japhet, 38
Ichthyophagi, territory of the, reached by
Nearchus, 347, 350
Iconium reached by Cyrus’ army, 209
Idaphar Dhafár, a royal residence of the
Himyarites, 81, 82
Idolaters of Babel, 27
Idolatry in the time of Enos, 16
——- in Noah’s family, 16
-,Ham renews the ante-diluvian, 15, 16,
19 MHMH ——, spread of, over Syria, Greece, Babylonia,
and Arabia, 16
, the, of Nimnid'prevails* 25
towards the end of Solomon’s reign, 32
became established in Syria, when
colonists were sent from Babylon, 141
Idumea, and its state of civilization, in the
time of Job, 79
Idumeans, conduct of the, at the defence of
Jerusalem against Titus, 417
II a name given to Cronus or Ham by the
Phoenicians, 20
Has, now Chiroo, on the Persian shore,
passed by Nearchus’s fleet, 353
I’lghun probably represents Tyriacum, 208
Illyrians subjected by Philip, 254
and Thracians defeated by Philip, 255
-----------»Alexander’s first campaign against
the, 258, 259
Iloarudun of Ptolemy, or Evil-Merodach,
Imlik (see Amalek), 22
Imma, Zenobia defeated by Aurelian at, 427
Imports of Mosul in 1835 and 1841, 595
(.Appendix E.)
and exports to England from Constantinople,
595 (.Appendix F.)
from the Indian presidencies to the
gulfs of Persia, Arabia, &c., 588, 589
(.Appendix H .)
Inachus came from Egypt, and founded a
kingdom at Argos, 112
Inderab, or Anderab, probably Drepsa, and
Alexander’s march to the Indus, 319
Indi, the Magi, Brahmins, &c., descended
from the, 33
, the territory of the, corresponded with
Ghizni, 308
, the, send back Barzaentes, the murderer
of Darius, 306, 308
India under the Himyarites, 81
——, Ophir considered to have been in,
, ships depicted in the temples of Egypt
and, 124, 125
Sophir, the Egyptian name for, 126
—— composed of three provinces under the
Assyrians, 133
---- paid tribute to I’r&n, 133
---- subjected by Feridun or Arbaces, 133
partly subdued by Darius, 180
1 Alexander’s conquests in, between the
Indus and Hyphasis, 320-331
, Alexander’s route towards, 319, 320
, early trade of, with Tyre, Phoenicia,
Egypt, &c., 340
, sources from whence Alexander derived
his knowledge of, 340 ^
, Alexander’s original project included
commerce as well as the conquest of, 338,
339, 341
----- , Seleucus’ invasion of, and treaty with
Sandrocottus, 396, 397
, Mahmiid Ghizni’s campaigns in, 469
subdued by Taimur, 494
invaded by the Persians under Nadir
Stah, 497
——, expedition of the Turks to, 501
——, spread of religion, &c., from Bactria
to, 507
, Marco Polo and Vasco de Gama s
travels to, 534
, Genoese and Venetian commerce
with, 534
, Jenkinson’s overland journey to, 534
, trade in Queen Elizabeth’s reign with,
——, Benjamin of Tudela’s travels to, 534,
India, Napoleon’s proposed expedition
against, 535-537
»■— , direct voyage to, in the time of Augustus,
—— trade to, through the Euxine, 586
first reached by sea, 589
, route to, through the Persian Gulf,
overland trade to, decline of, 599
• — Presidencies, and trade to the Persian
and Arabian Gulfs, 588, 599 (Appendix
— trade with, from Constantinople, 585
■ • trade through Egypt to, 5881
Indian literature, &c., from Assyria, 34
account of the curse of Ham, 45
—— caravan trade, 125
— philosophy, &c., introduced into
Europe, 309, 310, 523, 526, 527
; people spread eastward, 571
trade with Ceylon, 576
vessel found on the coast of Arabia, 576
— — trade with Persia, 576-578
ships in the time of Semiramis, 576
| fleet from Myos Hormos, 580
— and Arab trade by sea and land, 584
—— commerce by sea, 591
temples pyramidical, 607
Indians, Cushites called the ancestors of
the, 33
, the, derived their knowledge from
I’r&n, 507
Indigitation of the Arabs, 546
Indo-Chinese settlements from I’ran, 506,
—— philosophy, that of Plato, 526
Indus, Scylax’s voyage down the, 180
, vessels on the, in the time of Semiramis
and Alexander, 576
I route of Alexander from Zariaspa to
the, 319-323
— , Alexander crosses the, by a bridge of
boats, 323, 324
-— , town built on the, with docks by
Alexander, at the confluence of the
Akesines, 338
——, Alexander halts at the upper extremity
of the Delta of the, 338
the descent of the, one of the objects
of Alexander’s expedition, 341
.----- , Alexander builds a haven and docks
at Pattala, on the, 342
——, Nearchus acquires a knowledge of the
sources, &c., of the, 344
——, also called the Singzing-kampa, or
Eckhung-choo, 369
the magnitude of the, after receiving
the rivers of the Panj-ab, 371
, the, enters the sea by six mouths, 372,
-— , proofs that great changes have occurred,
a's regards the estuaries of the,
, time of the rise and fall of the, and
best season to enter its estuaries, 374
*----, description of the boats used on the,
Indus, present mode of conveying troops to
Haider-db&dj on the, 376 < -
, the apex of the Delta of the, possibly
near Haider-&b4d, 374
, the, passed by Taimur, 494
Inscriptions in the Himyari character found
in Yemen, &c., 81
in the Himyari character discovered on
the south coast of Arabia, 82
, &c., found at Khorsabdd, 136,137
in the tomb of Cyrus (Appendix A.')
at Persepolis and Hamadan, regarding
Darius Hystaspes (Appendix B .)
at Bisutiin (.Appendix D.)
relating to Xerxes and the building
of Persepolis (.Appendix C.)
Ionia added to the satrapy of Cyrus, 203
Ionian invasion of Darius’ territory, 182
cities freed from the Persian yoke, 197
colonies freed from the rule of Pharnabazus,
Ionians, the, descended from Javan, 44
Iphigenia of Tauris, 573
Ipsus, defeat and death of Antigonus at the,
| result of the battle of the, 398
’Ir&k Arabi, inhabited by the Syrians or Assyrians,
subdued by the Arabs under Abii
Bekr, 454
---------- under ’Abd-el-Malik, 457
subdued by the Seljukides under Togrul
Bei, 470
Ajemi a commercial country, 581
I’ran, called Kusdi Khorasdn or Kush, 32
| the situation of, convenient for intercourse
with India, China, &c., 33
, the Assyrian or Cushite dominion in,
occupied by Afrisiab, king of Turan,
who is expelled by Zal, 133
,'Loo, or Loah, succeeded Zal, over, 134
■ , sages from the west came to acquire
philosophy in, 310, and Chap. XVI.
, early trade with, 310
, Seleucus’ march to, 397
and Persia, Seljukian government of,
, Indian and Chinese knowledge derived
from, 507
architecture, sculpture, &c., of, 604
Iravati, Iratou, or Ravi, or Hydraotes, 330
Irbid, cistern of, 661
Ireland colonized from Carthage, 190
called Holy Island, 190
, Sru and his followers proceed from
Egypt to, 511
* colonized from Asia, 513
, colonies from Spain and Barbary settle
in, 514
■, the Tuatha De Dan&nn connected
with, 514
Iris (Yechil Irmak), the 10,000 Greeks sail
past, 237
Irish and Welsh coracles, 641
Irka, Irkd, or Irka, the temple to the moon
at Erech, 24