CAREX Boenninghausiana.
Boenninghausen’s Car ex.
MONOECIA Tfiandria.
Gen. Char. Flowers In imbricated spikes, each covered
by a glume. Barren flowers without
calyx or corolla. Fertile flowers with a single,
urceolate, persistent perigone inclosing a nut.
Style 1. Stigmas 2 or 3.
Spec. Char. Spike compound, elongate, slender, interrupted
at the base ; spikelets small, unequal,
ovate or linear-oblong, simple or compound, polygamous,
the upper ones simple, crowded above,
but more distant and alternate downwards,
wholly barren or fertile at the base only; the
lower 1-4 elongate, simple, or composed of 2—8
alternate partial spikelets, fertile, or barren only at
the top, the lowest with a long bractea. Stigmas
2. Fruit plano-convex, ovate-acuminate, slightly
cleft, nerved on both sides, the nerves vanishing
above, its edges blunt at the base, serrated from
below the middle. Scales of the fertile florets
about as long as the fruit, ovate, acute or mucro*
nate, pale brown with a scarious margin.
Syn. Carex Boenninghausiana. IVeihe Regensb.
Bot. Ztg. 1826, 743. fid. Koch et Kunse. Koch
Syn. FI. Germ, ed. 2. 868. Bab.! Man. Brit.
Bot. 337.
C> Boenninghauseniana. Hoppe Caric. Ger. t. a.