from being constricted at the septa; endochrome with a dark
patch in the centre. Spores oblongo-obovate, darker than
the threads, with a pellucid border.
This appears to be the plant described and figured by Dr.
Areschoug, who has referred Conferva flaccida, Lyngbye and
Agardh, to Elachista fucicola. However correct this may be
as regards their Alga, C.flaccida, Dillw. is very different, as
will be seen by the present figure. I have another species, or
form, with remarkably short articulations, from Mrs. Griffiths,
which grows like the present on Cystoseira Jibrosa; the present
Alga is however nearest to Dr. Areschoug’s figure, in
which, it may be observed, the upper articulations do not
accord with his specific character, and therefore some latitude
must be allowed. The genus was proposed originally by
Duby, and has been adopted by Fries in the Flora Scanica.
Conferva fucicola and curia belong to it. Elachista curta, of
which I have an authentic specimen from M. Lenormand, is
not the same with our British species: it has far more the
habit of E. flaccida. Conf. flaccida, Engl. Bot. t. 2310, is
evidently E. fucicola, and quite distinct from what Dillwyn
has figured.
A curious reticulated appearance is exhibited by the joints
when the plant is first put into fresh water. The bubbles of
gas are afterwards absorbed, and the apparent network vanishes.—
M. J. B.