m m
Dwarf Grass-wrack.
MON(E CIA Monandria ?
Gen. Char. Spath linear, terminating in a leafy point. Spadix flat, bearing the flowers in two rows in front. Cal. none. Cor. none. Ovary
affixed towards the tapering long and pointed. apex. Stigm. 2,
Spec. Char. Leaves one-nerved. Stipular sheath
truncate. Peduncle of the spath as long as the
spadix, not thickened upwards. Spadix short, few-flowered, with intramarginal appendages.
Syn. Zostera nana. Roth Enum. PI. Germ.pt. 1. 8.
Man. 8. Reich. Icon. FI. Germ. v. 7. t. 2. Koch
Syn. ed. 2. 783. Fries Nov. Suec. Mant. 3. 133. Bab. Man. Brit. Bot. ed. 2. 346.
Z. uninervis. " Vahl.” Reich. FI. Excurs. 137.
Z. Noltei. Horn. FI. Dan. v. 12. 3. t. 2041.
Pomtaomno mgeiintuons. maRrainiiu mSy nin. uedtr. ic3u. l5is3 e?phiphyllosper-
cFoRveOrs Mthe mPouodl eto H aa grbreoautr ,e xDtoenrste, tmshiixreed, iinn Asoumgue spt la1c8e4s7 . witIht
Ruppia rostettata. It is satisfactory to be able to assign a
“ local habitation ” to a plant hitherto regarded as British
only on the authority, it is understood, of fragments found by
Mr. Sonder of Hamburgh among seaweeds sent to him from
tsheae IDsloavnedr. beach. The doubtful plant of Ray was from Port-
Plant apparently perennial. Stem slender, creeping, somewhat
compressed, slightly incrassated at the joints, from each
of which issue a few fibrous roots, and a simple erect branch
producing 2-5 alternate leaves closely invested at the base
with a pale, truncate, membranous sheath. Leaves grass-
green, thin and pellucid, flat, linear, about one-tenth of an
inch m width, with one central nerve, and parallel strise
crossed at short intervals by alternate transverse veins which
connect the nerve with the incrassated nerve-like margins;
apex rounded and entire at first, soon becoming emarginate;
barren leaves from a sheathing base, 3, 4 inches, or more in
length; fertile ones on separate branches and not more than.