ELACHISTA flaccida.
Flaccid Elachista.
Gen. Char. Filaments truly parasitic, springing
with the oblong or obovate spores from a cellular
Spec. Char. Articulations with a central nucleus,
much shorter than broad. Spores oblongo-
obovate. Threads flaccid.
Syn. Elachista flaccida. Fr. FI. Scan. 3 17.
Elachista breviarticulata. Areschoug Linn. v. 16.
234. t. 8. ƒ 5.
Conferva breviarticulata. Suhr in FI. 1831. 32.
t. 4. f. 36. x, y, z.
Conferva flaccida. Dillw. Br. Conf. 53. t. C. (not
of Engl. Bat. t. 2310.). Ham. in Hook. Br. FI.
v. 2. pt. 1. 355. Wyatt Alg. Damn. no. 222.
Harv. Man. 132.
O n Cystoseira Jibrosa, Devonshire, Miss Hill, Mrs. Griffiths;
Cornwall, Mr. Ralfs, who communicated our specimens.
Growing in short scattered flaccid tufts on the frond of
Cystoseira Jibrosa, on which they are truly parasitic. Filaments
olive-green, about half an- inch long, arising from a
little gelatinous globule, much attenuated below, obtuse above.
Articulations in the middle of the thread-i—i-as long as
broad; the upper ones 1| as long as broad, slightly swollen