Kidney-leaved Saxifrage.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-cleft, superior or inferior. Petals
5. Styles persistent. Capsule 2-celled, with
2 beaks, opening by a pore between the beaks.
Spec. Char. Leaves transversely oval or reniform,
crenate or dentate. Petioles semicylindrical,
channeled, hairy. Panicle racemose. Calyx inferior,
reflexed. Filaments enlarged upwards.
Svn. Saxifraga Geum. Linn. Sp. PI. 574. Eng.
Bot. £.1561. “ Lapeyr. Pyren. v. 1. 46. t. 24.”
Pers. Syn. v. 1. 488. D. Don in Trans, of
Linn. Soc.v. 13. 349. Sm. Eng. FI. v. 2. 261.
Reich. Iconog. Botan. t. 628. Mach. FI. Hibern.
pt. 1. 64. Hook. Br. FI. ed. 5. 127. Bab. Man.
Br. Bot. 117.
Robertsonia Geum. Lindl. Syn. 70.
W E _ have considered it advisable to give a new plate
illustration of this species, in order to convey a clearer idea
of the Irish plant than can be obtained from that (t. 1561.)
formerly published. Our friend Mr. J. T. Mackay has most
kindly supplied us with beautiful living specimens, from roots
which have long been in cultivation in the botanical garden
over which he so efficiently presides. They correspond
exactly with the wild plant as seen upon the mountains of
Kerry, and differ from Pyrenean specimens (to which all the
foreign synonyms refer except that of Persoon, who says,
H I f entatis>”) in the same manner as the Irish S. umbrosa
differs from that of the Pyrenean mountains. All the Irish
forms of-S. Geum which we have seen have acutely crenate or