composed of the two uppermost leaves more or less adhering
together by their lower edges. Pedicel short and rather stout.
Capsule deep brown; seeds brown; spiral filaments in a double
helix. Anthers single or in pairs in the axils of the upper
Gymnomitrium adustum is distinguished from our mountain
species G. concinnutum, as well as from G. coralloideSf which
Dr. Taylor has found in Ireland, by the absence of a scarious
margin to the leaves, and from Sarcoscyphns Ehrharti and S.
Funkii, which last it most nearly resembles in general appearance,
by its smaller size and more imbricated leaves, and
essentially by the different structure of the perianth.—
W. M it t e n .
Fig. 1, lower leaves; 2, upper leaf with a pair of antheridia;
3, involucrum; 4, young fruit with pistilla (from Mr. Mitten’s