Main stem 1-3 inches high, giving off many lateral branches
which are divided again or form at once ovate bipinnate plumules,
with alternate patent pinnae and pinnules. Tetraspores
elliptic, principally confined to the upper side of the pinnae
and representing the pinnules. Articulations of the principal
divisions clothed with articulate tubes descending from the
branches or branchlets, and often themselves bearing ramuli;
articulations of the pinnae and pinnules about as broad as long.
The favilliferous plants are more corymbose, and their
branches not patent. Favillae large, irregular, axillary, sometimes
binate; tips of the branches forming imperfect favillae,
the grains of which are single joints.
Our specimens were sent from Penzance, in March 1842,
by Mr. Ralfs.—M. J. B.