Ehrhart’s Betony.
DID YNAMIA Angiospermia.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-lobed or 5-cleft. Corolla sub-
globose ; limb small, with 2 lips ; upper one 2-
lobed and often with a scale-like abortive stamen
within ; lower 3-lobed. Capsule 2-celIed and
2-valved, the margins of the cells turned inwards.
Spec. Char. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute, subcor-
date below, glabrous, serrated, the lower ser-
ratures smaller. Stem and petioles winged.
Cymes lax, few - (4 -8 ) flowered. Sepals roundish,
with a broad membranous margin. Stami-
nodium bifid with diverging lobes.
S vn. Scrophularia Ehrharti. Stevens in Ann. Nat.
Hist. v. 5. 3. t. 1. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. v. 1.
57. height. FL Shrop. 301. Bah. Man. Brit.
Bot. 218.
S. aquatica. Ehrh. PI. Off. 156. FI. Dan.t. 507.
Koch Syn. FL Germ. 515. Reich. FI. Excurs.
377. Sturm Deutsch. FI. No. 23. Kunth FI.
Berol v, 2. 60.
T HE Rev. C. A. Stevens has given so clear a statement
of the reasons for considering this plant as distinct from S.
aquatica (t. 854), and also proved so completely that, contrary
to the opinion of most of the continental botanists, that
is the true plant of Linnaeus, as to call for little more than
a mere description of the present species in this place. We