pellucid cells containing a nucleus of the same form, exactly
as in Porphyra.
Found at Port Stuart by Mr. D. Moore ; at Miltown, Mal-
bay, by Mr. Harvey, and on the Devonshire and Cornish
coasts by Mrs. Griffiths and J. Ralfs, Esq., from the latter of
whom we received our specimens. The numbers in Roth’s
plate do not agree with those indicated in the text. Grammita
ascendens, referred by Desmazieres, no. 1216, to Hutchinsia
pulvinata, Ag., is a very different species, whose joints contain
about 12 tubes. In Areschoug’s plant I find 4 tubes iii
each articulation. In British specimens the number of tubes
appears to be three.—M. J. B.