RANUNCULUS fluitans.
River Crowfoot.
Gen. Ch a r . Calyx of 5, rarely 3 leaves. Petals 5 or
more, with a nectariferous pore at the base. Pericarps
without awns.
Spec. Char. Stem floating. Leaves all submersed,
repeatedly di- or trichotomous ; segments elongated,
setaceous, parallel. Petals broad, much
longer than the calyx. Stamens numerous. Carpels
transversely wrinkled, obovate, with an ob
tuse, straight, lateral point.
Syn. Ranunculus fluitans. Lam. FI. Fr. v. 3. 165.
Reich. FI. Excurs. 719. Ic. Fl. Oerm.f. 4577.
Koch Syn. 12. Sturm. Deutsch. Fl. No. 67. t. 14.
15. Gaud. Fl. Helv. v. 3. 525. Bab. in Ann. Nat.
Hist. v. S'. 229. Leight. Fl. Shrop. 256. Drej.
Fl. Hafn. 192.
R. fluviatilis. Sibth. Fl. Oxon. 176. Wallr. Sch.
Crit. 284.
R. peucedanifolius. All. Fl. Ped. v. 2. 53. Schlech.
in Lhnncea (1831), 576. Host. Fl. Aust. v. 2.
118? Loisel. Fl. Gall. v. 1. 392.
R. aquatilis §. Linn. Sp. PI. 782. Sm. Fl. Br. v. 2.
596. Engl. Fl. v. 3. 55. Hook. Br. Fl. ed. 5. p. 4.
R. aquatilis, s. peucedanifolius. DeCand. Prod,
v. 1. 27.
R. pantothrix, y. peucedanifolius. DeCand. Sys.
v. 1. 236.
R. sive Polyanthemo aquatili albo affine Millefolium
Maratriphyllon fluitans. Raii Syn. 250.
O n the accompanying plate is represented the third
species of Ranunculus, which, although distinguished by