2927 .ƒ. 1.
LYNGBYA Carmichaelii.
Captain Carmichael’s Lyngbya.
Gen. Char. Filaments destitute of a mucous matrix,
flexible, elongated, continuous, decumbent, not
oscillating. EndochromeAnally, separating into
lenticular spores.
Spec. Char. Filaments very long, thickish, curled and
tortuous, cylindrical, floating under water and
forming extensive grass-green strata.—Harv.
Syn. Lyngbya Carmichaelii. Harv. in Hook. Brit.
FI. v. 2. pt. 1.371. Wyatt Alg. Damn. no. 230.
Harv. Man. 161.
Lyngbya crispa. Carm. MSS.
O n rocks and sea-weeds. Appin, Capt. Carmichael;
Devonshire, Mrs. Griffiths; Cornwall, Mr. Ralfs.
Forming extensive patches on rocks and Fuci, attached behind,
but with the upper extremities free. Threads of a vegetable
green without any verdigris tint, and resembling much
those of Conferva rivularis, especially when dry, but more
curled. Articulations varying in their proportions in the same
thread according to age, but always shorter than they are
broad, sometimes very narrow; endochromes with their outer
edge straight or swollen, sometimes transversely flexuous,
disciform, at length becoming free and escaping from the
common tube. In certain lights they appear as if they were
really rings, but this arises from the centre of the disc being
depressed. The fertile endochromes are darker. The threads
of the specimen figured were mostly young, and therefore
very few of the endochromes are perfect.—M. J. B.