F U M A R IA micrantha.
Small-flowered, Fumitory.
DIADELPHIA Alexandria.
Gen. Char. Calyx of 2 sepals. Petals 4, the upper
one spurred at the base. Stamens in two bundles
o f 3 each. Fruit indehiseent, 1-seeded.
Spec. Char. Sepals orbicular, dentate., broader than
and half as long as the corolla. Fruit globose,
slightly pointed. Bracteas as long as the fruit-
Syn. Fumaria micrantha. “ Lag. Cat. Hort. Mad.
21.” DeCand. Syst.v. 2 . 1 3 7 . Am. in Rep.
Bot. Soc. Edin. No. 3. 107. Hook. Icon. Plant,
t. 353. Br. FI. ed. 5. 14. Bab. Man. Br. Bot.
14. Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 11. 258.
F. calycina. Bab. in Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. v.\.31.
fValp. Repert. Bot. System, v. 1. 122.
I t being now determined with certainty that this is the plant
intended by La Gasca, his name is of course adopted here.
Root annual. Stems erect or spreading, angular, striated,
branched. Leaves three or four times divided into numerous
short, nearly linear segments, which are slightly broader towards
their tips, and have a minute point. The petioles are
curved but not twisted. Spikes nearly sessile, densely flowered,
at first shorter than the adjoining leaf, afterwards rather
longer; but ultimately, although lengthened considerably as
the'fruit ripens, much shorter than the full-grown leaf. Flowers
small, upon short peduncles, pale purple with the tip