ARENARIA uliginosa.
Bog Sandwort.
Gen. Char. Calyx of five leaves. Petals 5, undivided.
Stamens 10. Styles 3. Capsule 1-celled, many-seeded.
Spec. Char. Perennial. Stem ascending, branched,
leafy, terminating in elongated, slender, erect
peduncles, with 1-3 flowers; when 3, the lateral
pedicels with 2 small bracteas. Leaves subulate,
semiterete, obtuse, glabrous. Calyx-leaves ovate,
acuminate, 3-nerved, about as long as the petals
and “ rather longer than the ripe capsule.”
Syn. Arenaria uliginosa. Schleich. Cent.-Exsicc. 1.
no. 47. DeCand. FI. 14. t. 46. Fr v. 4. 786. Ic. PI. Gall.
Spergula stricta. Swartz Vet. Ac. Handl 1799 235-239. t. 3.
Alsine stricta. Wahl. Lapp. 127. FI. Suec. 279.
Sagina ramis erectis bijloris. Linn. Lapp. no. 158.
Al4si9n3a5n.t he stricta. Reich. Icon, cent 14 ' 29' ' f
F o r this highly interesting addition to the British Flora
we are indebted to a little band of botanists* who made an
excursion to the Yorkshire mountains in the summer of 1844
and detected it in a very circumscribed locality, and in verv
small quantdy upon the banks of a little stream on Widdy-
bank h ell, not far from Langdon foot-bridge. We have had the
opportunity of comparing the first specimens that were gathered
* Mr John Tatham, jun., of Settle, Messrs. James Backhouse sen and
r s i D„taT den.’ ^ - Mr. G. S. o h £