POLYSIPHON IA pulvinata.
Cushion-like Polysiphonia.
Gen. Char. Frond longitudinally striate with internal
parallel tubes, bearing ovate capsules and
granules in distorted ramuli.
Spec. Char. Filaments rising from a mass of creep-
ing fibres, tufted and interwoven, short, very
slender, flexuous, sparingly and irregularly dichotomous,
more or less furnished with very
patent or recurved simple ramuli; articulations
variable in length, bistriated containing 3 or i
tubes; capsules pitcher-shaped, very large,
scattered.— Harv.
Syn. Polysiphonia pulvinata, Areschoug. Alg. Scand.
Exs. no. 60. Harv. Brit. Alg. p. 94.
Polysiphonia macrocarpa. Harv. in FI. Hib. pt. 3.
206. Wyatt Alg. Danm. wo. 215.
Hutchinsia pulvinata. Ag. Sp. Alg. v. 2. 109.
Duby Bot. Gal. 1020.
Conferva pulvinata. Roth Cat. Bot. v. 1. 187. t. 3.
4. (in textu 5.)
G r o w in g in dense, cushion-like, intricate, purple-
brown masses, about an inch high, attached by creeping and
rooting filaments to stones, shells, &c. Rootlets often jointless,
and without striae, attached by a little disc. Threads
very slender, irregularly branched, more or less flexuous, consisting
of joints a little longer than broad, containing three
tubes; ultimate ramuli more or less curved, adhering slightly
when dry. Capsules large, lateral, urceolate, reticulate with