CALLITHAMNION polyspermum.
Many-fruited Callithamnion.
Gen. Char. Filaments mostly pinnate, rarely dichotomous.
Fruit of two kinds, on distinct plants :
(1) external tetraspores scattered along the ultimate
branchlets or borne on little pedicels ; (2)
roundish or lobed berry-like receptacles (favillae)
seated on the main branches and containing numerous
angular spores.—Harv.
Spec. Char. Tufts globose. Filaments slender, delicate,
loosely branched, somewhat naked below,
distichously plumulate above; plumules linear-
oblong, pinnae short; simple, patent, acute, spinelike.
Articulations of the branches 4 or 5 times,
of the ramuli twice as long as broad. Capsules
(tetraspores) lining the inner face of the pinnae.
Syn. Callithamnion polyspermum. Ag. Sp. Alg.v.2.
169. Harv. in Hook. Br. FI. v. 5. pt. 1. 342.
Harv. Man. 108. Wyatt Alg. Damn. no. 140.
Ceramium polyspermum. Desm. no. 1015 (junius).
Callithamnion Grevillei. Harv. in Br. FI. v. 5. pt.
1.34^; Man. 110.
Callithamnion roseum. Grev. FI. Ed. 311.
O n rocks in the sea, pretty generally diffused from Scotland
to Cornwall. I have received it from Brest through Messrs.