2897. k
CALAMINTHA sylvatica.
Wood Calamint.
DID YNAMIA Gymnospermia.
Gen. Char. Calyx tubular or subcampanulate, many-
ribbed, 2-lipped, scarcely gibbous at base ; mouth
mostly hairy within. Cor. Upper lip straight,
nearly flat; lower lip 3-lobed, patent.
Spec. Char. Stems lax; branches few, elongate,
nearly erect. Leaves ovate ; upper ones acute,
sharply serrate. Cymes many-flowered, stalked.
Lower lip of corolla with contiguous segments ;
middle one scarcely longer than the two lateral,
broad, shallow. Upper calyx-teeth erect or recurved.
Root partly creeping.
Syn. Calamintha officinalis. Mcench. Meth. 409 ?
Reich. FI. Germ. Excurs. no. 2244. FI. Germ.
Exsic. no. 1444.
C. officinalis, a. Koch Deutsch. Fl.v. 4. 318. (excl.
figures quoted).
Melissa Calamintha. Benth. Lab. 388. (not Linn.).
Hoppe Ectypa Plant, cent. 7. t. 613.
M. Nepeta. Hoppe Ectypa Plant, cent. 4. t. 397.
not Linn, (certainly from the same species as
t. 613, although the flowers are rather smaller).
T H E beautiful plant here represented was found by the
writer of these remarks on the 29th of August 1843, flourishing
abundantly amongst the undergrowth of copsewood that
clothes the sloping sides of a small but picturesque valley
stretching up between the farms of Apes Down and Rowledge
or Rowridge, about two miles and a half west of Newport, Isle
of Wight, on the lower road from thence to Yarmouth through
Carisbrooke. The plant occupies the western declivity of the