CAREX irrigua.
Moss Carex.
MONCECIA Triandria.
Gen. Char. Floivers in imbricated spikes, each covered
by a glume. Barren flowers without calyx
or corolla. Fertile flowers with a single, urceo-
late, persistent perigone inclosing a nut. Style 1.
Stigmas 2 or 3.
Spec. Char. Barren spike solitary, terminal. Fertile
spikes 2 or 3, upon long stalks, oblong,
densely flowered. Bracteas auricled, foliaceous,
rather broad, nearly flat. Glumes ovate-lanceolate,
attenuated, acute. Stigmas 3. Fruit roundish
ovate, compressed, faintly ribbed, with a very
short entire beak. Nut elliptical, triangular,
beaked. Leaves linear, flat, smooth at the edges
except near the apex.
Syn. Carex irrigua. Hoppe Car. Germ. t. b. 48.
Reich. FI. Excurs. no. 473. Koch Syn. FI. Germ.
Z57. Blujf et Fingerh. Comp. FI. Germ. ed. 2.
v. 2. 625. Bab. Man. Br. Bot. 346. Fries FI.
Scan. 190; Nov. FI. Suec. Mant. tertia, 140.
C. limosa (3. irrigua. Wahl. Helv 173. Hartm.
Scand. FI. ed. 1838. 222. Willd. Caric. 90.
Kunth Caric. 461. Gaud. FI. Helv. v. 6. 93.
C. limosa y. irrigata. Wahl. FI. Lap. 243. t. 15.
ĥ 2.
Rii(OOT stoloniferous. Stems a foot or more in height,
triquetrous, smooth except at the very summit, where the