IIYPNUM sylvaticum.
Wood Hypnum.
Gen. Char. Fruitstalks lateral. Peristome double :
outer one of 16 teeth; inner, a membrane cut
into 16 equal segments, and usually with intermediate
filiform processes. Calyptra dimidiate.
Spec. Char. Dioicous. Stems decumbent, scarcely
branched. Leaves subdistichous, ovate, two-
nerved. Capsule cylindrical, cernuous. Operculum
beaked, half as long as the capsule.
Syn. H. sylvaticum. Schwaegr. Suppl. v. I. pt. 2.
182. t. 87. Bridel Bryol. Univ. v. 2. 550.
H. denticulatum pennatum, pinnulis rarioribus sim-
plicibus rectioribus. Dillen. Hist. Muse. 267.
t. 3±.f. 6.
O u r figure is taken from fine specimens, kindly sent in a
growing state from Dunkerron, Ireland, by Dr. Taylor, Sept.
\ 8T47h.i s species has •been often confounded with Hypnum denticulatum,
and even in the present day few bryologists are
well acquainted with it. Dillenius has the credit of having
well distinguished them; and since his time Schwaegrichen
and Bridel have upheld the claims of this species. A variety
of H. denticulatum has been mistaken for it by Hedwig and
others. The two species very frequently grow intermixed,
and are almost equally common.
H. sylvaticum is essentially distinguished from H. denticulatum
by its dioicous inflorescence: it is also more robust and
succulent. Stems ascending, arched, very seldom branched,
except at the base, from which point proceed one or more de