MEL1LOTUS arvensis.
Field Melilot.
Gen. Char. Calyx of 5 nearly equal teeth. Petals
distinct, deciduous. Keel obtuse. Filaments of
the stamens filiform, not united with the claws of
the petals. Pod subglobose or oblong, 1-celled,
1-4-seeded, indehiscent, longer than the calyx.
Ovary straight.
Spec. Char. Racemes lax. Pedicel half as long as
the calyx. Wings and standard equal and longer
than the keel. Pods ovate, obtuse, mucronate,
rounded and slightly keeled on the back, transversely
plicate-rugose, glabrous. Leaflets ob-
cordate or oblong, serrate, uppermost lanceolate.
Stipules subulate, entire.
Syn. Melilotus arvensis. Wallr. Sched. C rit.39l.
Ser.in DeCand. Prod. v. 2. 188. Fries Nov.
FI. Suec. 233. Coss. et Germ. FI. Par. 126;
Atl. t. 11. E.
M. diffusa. Koch in DeCand. FI. Fran. v. 5. 564.
M. officinalis. Koch Syn. FI. Germ. ed. 2. 183.
Ledeb. FI. Ross. v. 1. 537. Gren. et Godr. FI.
Fran. v. 1. 402.
M. Petitpierreana. Koch Syn. FI. Germ. ed. 1.
THIS recent addition to the British by a small party of botanists, consisting Foflo Mrae swsarss . dBetoercrteerd,