FUMAR1A Vaillantii.
Vaillant’s Fumitory.
DIA D EL PH I A Hexandria.
Gen. Char. Calyx of 2 sepals. Petals 4, the upper
one spurred at the base. Stamens in two
bundles of 3 each. Fruit indehiscent, 1-seeded.
Spec. Char. Sepals very minute, narrower than the
pedicel, and many times shorter than the corolla.
Fruit globose, compressed, scarcely pointed.
Bracteas about as long as the fruit-stalks.
Syn. Fumaria Vaillantii. Loisel. Not. 102. FI.
Gall. ed. 2. v. 2. 101. DeCand. Syst.v. 2. 137.
Koch Syn. FI. Germ. ed. 2. 35. Reich. Icon. FI.
Germ.f. 4452. Bab. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin.
v. 1. 36. Man. Br. Bot. 14.
F. parviflora. Sven. Bot. t. 574. Am. in Hook.
Br. FI. ed. 4. 266.
Fumaria lobis longioribus et angustioribus sparsis.
Vaill. Bot. Par. t. 10./. 6.
_A .S far as it is possible to determine without access to authentic
specimens, I am convinced that the above synonyms
belong to the present plant; but much difficulty is caused by
several of those authors, even the original describer himself,
having neglected to inform us of the size of the sepals in their
plants, although they have been very careful to state the colour
of the flowers, which does not at all contribute to the determination
of the species. Mr. Arnott appears to consider our
plant as the F. yatmjiora of Lamarck; and in a paper read
before the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, he has given what
1 consider two forms of the present plant as F. parvijlora and