Hooker’s Callithamnion.
Gen. Char. Filaments mostly pinnate, rarely dichotomous.
Fruit of two kinds, on distinct plants:
(1) external tetraspores scattered along the ultimate
branchlets or borne on little pedicels; (2)
roundish or lobed berry-like receptacles (favillm)
seated on the main branches and containing numerous
angular spores.— Harv.
Spec. Char. Stem setaceous, inarticulate or spuriously
jointed, simple, set with one or more series
of alternate spreading flexuous branches, the
smaller of which are jointed ; all furnished with
very patent pinnated ramuli or plumules; ultimate
pinnules divaricating, their joints twice or thrice
as long as broad. Capsules along the inner faces
of the ramuli near the base.
Syn. Callithamnion Hookeri. Ag. Sijtn Alg. Scand.
xxvii.; Sp. Alg. v .2. 178. Harv. in Brit. FI.
v. 2.pt. 1. 341 ; Man. 106.
Callithamnion lanosum. Harv. 1. c.
Callithamnion roseum var. Scopulorum. Lenor-
mand no. 429.
Conferva Hookeri. Dillw. t. 106.
Callithamnion Scopulorum. Ag. 1. c. p. 106.
O n rocks or attached to seaweed, distributed here and
there from Scotland to Cornwall and on the French side of
the Channel, but not in abundance. The species is named in
honour of Sir W. Hooker.