CHORDA looeentaria.
Constricted Chorda.
Gen. Char. Frond simple, interrupted within. Fructification
pear-shaped spores, accompanied by
jointed paraphyses.
Spec. Char. Frond membranaceous, compressed,
constricted at the septa, the intervals somewhat
Syn. Chorda lomentaria. Lyngb. Hyd. Dan. 74.
tab. 18 E. Grev. Alg. Brit. 48. Hook. Br.
FI. v. 2. pt. ij 276. Wyatt Alg. Damn. no. 6.
FI. Dan. t. 1903. Lenormand no. 338. Harv.
Man. 35. J. Ag. Alg. Mar. Médit, et Adriat. 45.
Menegh. Algh. It. e Dalm. 185. t. 4. ƒ. 7.
C. Filum, y. lomentaria. Kwtz. Phyc. 334.
Scytosiphon filum, y. lomentarius. Ag. Sp. Alg.
v. 1. 162. Syst. 257.
Asperococcus castaneus. Hook. Br. Fl. 1. c. 277.
Fucus lomentarius. Sommerf. Supp. FI. Lapp.
1 .1 OT unfrequent on rocks and stones. Our specimen was
kindly sent from Penzance by Mr. Ralfs, who has also found
Chorda tomentosa.
Fronds springing many together from a minute scutate base,
3 to 16 inches high, 1 to 4 lines broad, linear, simple, compressed,
at first quite even, but soon constricted at irregular
intervals and septate within, attenuated at either extremity;