\9. 2869
RANUNCULUS circinatus.
Rigid-leaved Water Crowfoot.
POLYANDRlA Polygynia.
Gen. Char. Calyx of 5, rarely 3 leaves. Petals 5
or more, with a nectariferous pore at the base.
Pericarps without awns.
Spec. Char. Stem submersed, ascending. Leaves
all submersed, nearly sessile, capillaceo-multifid ;
segments short, 2 or 3 times forked, spreading in
an orbicular plane. Petals broad, much longer
than the calyx. Stamens numerous. Carpels
transversely rugose, semi-obovate, with an incurved
Syn. Ranunculus circinatus. Sibth. FI. Oocon. 175.
Reich. FI. Excurs. 719. Ic. FI. Germ. f. 4575.
Bab. in Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 3. 229. Fries. FI.
Scan. 74. Drej. FI. Hafn. 192.
R. stagnatilis. Watlr. Sched. Crit. 285.
R. divaricatus. Koch Syn. 12. Bluff, et Fing.
ed. 2. t. 1. pt. 2. 285.
R. aquatilis (3. Linn. Sp. PI. 781.
R. aquatilis y. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 3. 54. Hook. Br.
FI. ed. 5. 4.
R. aquaticus albus, circinatis tenuissime divisis
foliis, floribns ex alis longis pediculis innixis.
Raii Syn. 249.
I t gives us great satisfaction to be enabled to publish a
figure of this pretty Ranunculus, and at the same time to
confirm the accuracy of the late Professor Sibthorp, by
whom if was first published as a distinct species, although,