Jaiv? J ? 1849.
2 9 5 2 .
SIMETHIS planifolia.
T w o -c o lo u r e d , S im e th is .
HEXANDRIA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. P e r ia n t h inferior, of 6 spreading 5-7- nerved leaves, slightly united at the base. S t a m
e n s inserted on the base of the leaves. F il a m
e n ts woolly in the upper part. C a p s u le sub- globose, 3-lobed, with 3 cells and 6 seeds.
SSpec. Char....................... yn. Simethis bicolor. K u n t h E n u m . v . 4. 618. Anthericum planifolium. L i n n . M a n t. 2 . 224.
I V illd . S p . P l . v . 2 . 136. B r o te r o F I. L u s . v . 1.
534; P h y t . L u s . S e le c t, v . 1. 103. t. 44.
A. bicolor. D e s f. F I. A tl. v . 1. 304. t. 90. P o ir e t
E n c y c . v . 5. 254.
Phalangium bicolor. D e C . F I. F r . v . 3. 2 0 9 ; R e d .
L i l . t. 215.
Bulbine planifolia. R o e m . 2$ S c h . S y s t . v . 7. 449.
B e r t. F I. I t. v . 4. 131.
composed of a number of fleshy fibres which are
generally in two sets ; one springing immediately from the base
of the stern, the other connected with it by a short rhizoma.
Scape round and quite smooth. Leaves linear, flat, or somewhat
keeled and folded at the upper part. Scape and leaves
embraced by sheathing scales and surrounded by fibres, apparently
the remains of ieaves of the former year. Lower bract
at the first division of the panicle leafy, the others , membranous.
Flowers panicled. Petals obtuse, purple externally,
of a brilliant white within. Seed-vessel subglobose, with 3 lobes
and 3 cells. Seeds 2 in each cell, attached by scale-like
stalks to the middle of the inner angle of each cell.
This species was first adopted by Linnaeus in his second
Mantissa under the name of Anthericum planifolium, and
there can be no doubt of the plant, although he describes the