narrowly linear-lanceolate, with 3 or 5 nerves, acutish, narrowed
below, coriaceous, glabrous. Scapes round, with irregular
elevated lines, minutely tuberculated or with rather prominent
tubercles. Heads roundish. Involucre with a cylindrical
inverted brown sheath at its base; outer bracts ovate
and strongly Cuspidate, sometimes lanceolate-cuspidate from
an oval base; intermediate bracts obtuse but mucronate; inner
ones very obtuse and broadly membranous. Tube of the
calyx with elevated hairy ridges and glabrous interstices; limb
membranous, transparent, glabrous, with 5 setaceous roughish
points. Petals 5, almost distinct, obovate-lanceolate, rounded
or truncate at the end, pale purple. Filaments attached to
the petals nearly throughout. Styles hairy below.
Pedicel scarcely half as long as the tube of the calyx. Koch
says “ pedicellis longitudine tubi calycis,” and of A. scorzoneri-
folia he says “ tubo dimidio brevioribus.” • It seems probable
that he has transposed the characters of the plants, if indeed
either of them ever has its pedicel as long as the tube. In a
specimen from one of the stations mentioned by Koch (Mainz
u. Nieder-Ingelheim), the pedicels are as short as in our plant
if those of expanded flowers are examined.
We have much satisfaction in publishing a figure of the
Jersey plant, as we trust that it will tend to the more certain
determination of its identity with, or difference from, the species
of the continental botanists. Good figures derived from recent
specimens are much wanted in this genus. The specimens
from which the figure was taken were kindly sent from Jersey
by Dr. Joseph Dickson of St. Heliers.—C. C. B.