RANUNCULUS Lenormandi.
Lenormand’s Crowfoot.
Gen. Char. Calyx of 5, rarely 3 leaves. Petals 5 or more, with a nectariferous pore at the base.
Pericarps without awns.
Spec. Char. Stem floating or creeping1. Leaves all
cordate subrotund, subpeltate, 3-5-lobed; each lobe with 2 or 3 notches. Carpels transversely rugose, semi-obovate, with a terminal acute point
tipped with the style. Receptacles not setose. Syn. Ranunculus Lenormandi. F. W . Schultz in
Flora, v. 20. 726. “ Godr. in Mem. Soc. Nancy 1839, 8.” FI. Lorr.v. 24. 171. Walp. Repert.
v. 1. 34. Coss. et Germ. FI. de Par. 9. et Atlas,
t. 1. f 3, 4. Lloyd FI. de la Loire Inf. 3.
Bab. in Ann. Nat. Hist. v. 16. 141. Man. Br.
Bot. ed. 2. 6. Wats. Cyb. Brit. v. 1. 180.
R. hederaceus (3. grandiflorus. Bab. Man. Br.
Bot. ed. l.*5.
R. hederaceus b. partitus. Wats, in Lond. Cat.
Br. PI. 1.
I t is almost thirty years since this plant was sent to the late
Mr. Jas. Sowerby by Mr. John Hopkirk, jun. as a new and
undescribed species, but, owing probably to its resemblance
to It. hederaceus, it was laid aside and thus escaped notice.
To Mr. F. W. Schultz belongs the credit of having first
pointed out its claims to specific distinction, and he is followed
in that opinion by all those botanical authors whose attention
has been drawn to it.
The plant is so like R. hederaceus in general appearance, that
a reference to the plate, accompanied by a short notice of its
differences from that species, will be of more use than a laboured
description. Its stem floats upon water or creeps on
wet mud, rooting at every joint as in that plant. Its leaves are
rounder and more peltate, and have more deeply divided lobes,