Boccone’s Trefoil.
Gen. Char. Floioers more or less capitate. Pod
scarcely longer than the calyx, never bursting,
but falling off entire.
Spec. Char. Heads lateral and terminal, sessile, ovate-
cylindrical ; flowers sessile, crowded. Calyx
elliptical, not inflated ; teeth unequal, subulate,
straight. Leaflets obovate and oblong-lanceolate,
naked above. Stipules small, with a subulate
point. Seed small ; radicle slightly prominent.
Syn. Trifolium Bocconi. Guss. FI. Sic. v. 2. 495.
Ten. Syll. FI, Neap. 372. DeCand. Fl. Fr. v. 5.
560. Prod. v. 2. 192. Duby Bot. Gall. 130.
Reich. FI. Excurs. 491. Spreng. Syst. Veg. v. 3.
T. Bocconii. Koch Deutsch. FI. v. 5. 270. Pollin.
FI. Veron. 519. note.
T. Boccone. Savi Bot. Etrusc. v. 4. 21. Seb. et
Mauri, FI. Rom. 251. Loisel. FI. Gall. v. 2. 123.
T. semiglabrum. Brot. Phyt. Lusit. t. 63. f. 2. v. 1.
“ T. nodiflorum turbinatum. Bocc. Mus. 142.
t. 104.”
Trèfle de Boccone. Desvaux Flore d’Anjou, 340.
V yU R lower figure is from the produce of seed gathered
by the writer in August 1840, at the same time with the